Tuesday, August 25, 2009

I Got Rid Of Everything That Reminds Me Of You Today

I think it's about time for me to stop writing in this blog. It doesn't accomplish anything more then my journal used to do and I feel like the only reason I keep up with it is in the hopes that someone is reading it religiously. However, I highly doubt that anyone cares and I realize that I'm more comfortable with my journal anyways.

In this (hopefully) last post, I'm gonna give a quick update and then end it. I went on vacation and flirted with hot guys, and got nicely tanned and enjoyed myself a great deal. When I got back I started giving swim lessons to a couple family friends and started getting money. I talked to a homeopath (a doctor who does some psychology, but treats the patients with all natural medical treatment thingys) and found out I'm not unique at all. She had everything about me in her little book. I'm a type of person. There are people like me who have the same problems as me and this bothered me, alot. There is NOTHING unique or individual about me, not my dreams, my self esteem, my ideas, my weight, my original sense of uniqueness, nothing.

Moving on from the depression that leads me to, I went to a sleepover thing at my friends house. It was alot of fun. She's in uni, so her friends are all older, I was the baby of the group, but I think they liked me. We went for bubble tea, then headed to a bar, but I got carded so we left and went to Timmie's instead. We headed back to her place at 2ish, but she started getting boring around then. Luckily, at that moment, a really hot guy walks into the kitchen, has a conversation with me, and walks out. I ask who he was, where he went, etc. "Oh, he's just my brother's best friend, they smoke up in the garage." "They have weed?! Excellent." (I had been wanting some all day). I went into the garage and they welcomed me with open arms. Granted, they were drunk, but it was still nice. Plus, the two best friends were really hot, and the brother was really nice. I'm pretty sure they were hitting on me, but then one asked how old I am and I think they realized that should anything happen, it would be illegal, so they kinda stopped and tried to ignore me. They were too drunk for that to work. One of the hot friends actually asked "You wanna play strip poker?" "I don't know how *giggle*" "That's exactly why you should play strip poker." Unfortunatley, he mistook my silence for a no and dropped it. I was actually waiting for him to give instructions. Meh, would have been fun. Best part is, my parents think that we went for bubble tea then watched movies till we fell asleep. Awsome, no?
Anywho, I'm gonna go watch a movie, so this, I think, is goodbye. You are up to datefor today, and there will be no more. Thats the plan anyways. Lets see how it works.

I hope this stays up for a couple years. I want to come back when I'm 40 and read all of this, then maybe find my old journals too. I'm sure I'll have a good laugh at all the things I thought were important.

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