Wednesday, December 7, 2011

She's Not There

Good night last night. Haven't been that drunk since... well, since last weekend.
But this time was a bit worse- I've got a  bit of a hangover D: Totes worth it though, I had a blast last night. Completely let loose, danced, sang along to some karaoke shits, and met a guy- who met my standards! Fuck yeah. T'was a good time. And he wasn't difficult about shit. Like, he kept saying that he was really into me, but I didn't want anything more than a hookup and he was okay with that. He even left when we were done at my place cause I told him I didn't want him there in the morning. He wasn't douchey about it either. He totally understood where I was coming from, and even though he may not have felt the same, he respected my rules.
Why can't more guys be like that?
*le sigh*
Count: 18

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


I seem to have misplaced
My cheerful disposition.
It's flown right off my face.
The angry world will opposition
Those who won't amend.
Too bothered to pretend.
They intend to make a difference-
Seek that bright lit star.
The great wide space
That stands between
Is oozing,
Sorrowful pus.
Falling down,
For far too long.
My knees have grown so weak.
They won't support
The heavy mind
That leads those long lost sheep.