Wednesday, December 7, 2011

She's Not There

Good night last night. Haven't been that drunk since... well, since last weekend.
But this time was a bit worse- I've got a  bit of a hangover D: Totes worth it though, I had a blast last night. Completely let loose, danced, sang along to some karaoke shits, and met a guy- who met my standards! Fuck yeah. T'was a good time. And he wasn't difficult about shit. Like, he kept saying that he was really into me, but I didn't want anything more than a hookup and he was okay with that. He even left when we were done at my place cause I told him I didn't want him there in the morning. He wasn't douchey about it either. He totally understood where I was coming from, and even though he may not have felt the same, he respected my rules.
Why can't more guys be like that?
*le sigh*
Count: 18

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