Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Sex With Snowmen Leads To Hard Nipples

So basically, I want to give out free hugs. After riding the subway without pants on.
Sounds exciting, right??

Bahahahha, that's an inside joke between me and my gingie. But I guess I'm kinda lame for writing it here, where no one else will get it. Meh, I'll have a good laugh.

Back to the free hugs thing, you need to watch this.

Yeah, I don't care so much about the campaign. Yes, it was touching, and I'm glad he won. But what really touched me was the idea of giving hugs to strangers in an attempt to brighten up their day. I currently do the same thing with smiles, most of the time. When I see someone while I'm walking, I usually flash a huge smile in their direction. Unless it's one of those people who look like they're afraid of teenagers. When I see those people, I try to look as tough and "Don't-Fucking-Mess-With-Me"ish as possible. It's really funny staring them down and watching them downcast their eyes so as to avoid eye-contact. Oh my gosh, it's priceless :P. Always makes my day.

As to the pantless subway ride, that's this thing some Improv group does annually. What it is is basically a ton of people get together and get on the subway, not all together, but a couple in each car. They still have their pants on. Once they're on the bus, and it starts moving, they casually, randomly, take off their pants and put the discarded pants into a backpack or purse they just so happen to be carrying. Upon being asked why they aren't wearing pants, they're supposed to keep a natural expression and say something along the lines of "I'm not?? I hadn't noticed." or "I didn't really feel like putting pants on today.".They're not allowed to talk to the other pantless people either, or else it looks like it's being staged.
Do you have any idea how much fun this is going to be??

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