Saturday, March 12, 2011

Don't Unplug Me

I'm so fed up with.. nonsense. I mean, it's much more fun than sense, but it's so much more complicated at the same time. The type of nonsense I'm referring to specifically at this point in time, is drama. Ugh, but I'm so fed up with drama, and, more importantly, emotions! They make everything so much more difficult, like for that girl being around him when he's such a douche, or for that guy, being unsure of his sexuality and breaking down in front of everyone. Knowing that what they're doing isn't right, that they should deserve happiness, no matter at what means, that they deserve more. That sounds contradictory, but I'm slightly intoxicated at this point in time, so I don't give a shit. I'm just so fed up of being second hand, of being looked over. Shit, I need to buy alcohol, we're going out tomorrow. Fucckkerr.
What was I saying?
Right, uhm, (lawl, I was watching Alice In Wonderland last night cause I was high and it made sense, and when I say "uhm" in my head now, I remember how she pretended to be Um from Umbridge, and the queen welcomed her with open arms saying "anyone with a head that large is welcome in my court")  <--- That was a waste of a story, seeing as it had little to do with my current rant on self deprecation. I just feel so stupid right now.

I really want to lose weight.
I want my skin to stop freaking out at me.
I want to be more involved with political issues.
To be able to make a difference, and help people. Maybe be a LOT less hung up on myself, and all my idiocity. Focus on someone else and be there for them. Stop treating other people like second hand friends. Get a boyfriend. Or a girlfriend. Though, I think I'm leaning much more to the side of the straight. That's to say, I think I'm more into guys, and just "fluid" sexually. Either way, I want a someone, and I want to be a better someone myself. End of story.

I wonder what it was like in older days, when people carried perfume purses to keep from smelling bad, and would paint their faces white. I wonder what thoughts they had, if they wanted to change the world. I wonder if the cave men where happy, with their rocks and bows. Why did we change, how did this come about, where we not happier when we didn't know how to fuck ourselves over?
Wait, no, the time period when people painted their faces, they had alcohol then, didn't they? I believe so.
Blondie and whats-his-face ditched the party tonight, and decided instead to do their own thing behind locked doors. Once more, I see no relevance to my initial rant, but it was in my head and needed out. Also, I hadn't realized how much fun arguing was until V decided to start an argument with me about the depth of mainstream music in order to get me out of my boredom. It was highly entertaining, even though I didn't know he was just doing it to get a rise out of me, I felt so much more alive while I was making my point. It was the cats pajamas.
Speaking of pajamas, I feel I should turn in, I need sleeps.

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