Sunday, March 27, 2011

Oh Germs

How you have forsaken me!
I suppose it is logical that I would be sick with a cold and horrible sore throat right now, after the events of the weekend, but I must say, I'm quite proud of myself nonetheless. You see, the ginger came up to visit this weekend, and we went to this club event, a paint party. It was a lot of fun, and we each danced with numerous people, and I (only) made out and grinded with the guys I was dancing with. Though, there were two instances where the guys tried to get me to go home with them, I was either not drunk enough, or just wise enough to finally get myself out of it (with the twins assistance :)). I don't care how comfortable I am hooking up, I'm not gonna keep fucking random strangers. End of story- but not really, because now I've got a hickey on my neck and a ridiculously bruised lip *sigh*. Luckily, the smaller hickeys faded away already.
After the party was ending, and we were stuck waiting outside in the FREEZING COLD wearing our wet t-shirts, and jackets. The jackets were useless though, considering how soaked we all were. We got home, took hot showers and collapsed, we were fucking exhausted. The next day was pretty chills though, we woke up mid-afternoon, hung out with the ever-entertaining group of gays I happen to be friends with, and then got high. Well, I got high with one of the gays. She wasn't in the mood for it, I suppose. Kinda felt bad, cause it was her weed. But she kept saying she wanted to get rid of it, and I wanted to get high. Thankfully, it was a good high too, no bad trip this time :).
*Sniffle* I'm sure theres more I'm supposed to say, there were a lot of thoughts I was having while I was high last night that I'd love to share, but I'm just not feeling up to it right now. I'm crazy exhausted, and my throat still feels like crap :(.

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