Thursday, January 12, 2012

And So It Begins

Second week of courses and already a paper due tomorrow. Well, today. And already I've begun with my horrible procrastinations. Instead of writing the page and a half paper I need to get done, I've somehow managed to do everything except write anything. I've wasted time on 9gag, Facebook, Sparknotes, some celebrity gossip page, and stuff off the interwebs too- I cooked for a couple hours, had some wine, hung out at the other house, read more of the book I'm reading, and gone out in the cold rain for a couple cigarettes. Goddamn. I don't know why I do this to myself. I have class in 8 hours. I'm tired and annoyed and I just want to sleep. Instead, I'm here, venting about how I don't want to do my paper. In all honesty, it'd probably take about an hour, if even, if I were to sit down and just write the damn thing. But noooo. Scumbag brain is determined to make my life miserable. Determined to entertain me with ANYTHING else. No. Not scumbag brain. Scumbag internet. Y U NO STOP WORKING WHEN I HAVE ESSAY DUE??? Hahahha, so much time on the internet has me thinking in memes. I am genuinely exhausted. Which is pathetic cause it's only 2 in the morning and last term I was okay with staying up till the wee hours of the morning.
What am I doing with my life?
No more of this.
Determination and exhaustion win over the fight with the internet. If this paper isn't done by 3 I will seriously injure somebody. Maybe Bill Nye. He hasn't received much attention from me lately.

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