Monday, July 13, 2009

Well, When You Don't Tell Me What's Going On I Need To Listen In To Find Out

So, remember the guy, one of my good friends, the one that took me to prom? The one that I was sure had a crush on me? The one I hoped wouldn't ask me out because I knew that I don't have feelings for him? Yeah, him. He decided that, a week after being informed that me and my (ex) boyfriend broke up, he would ask me out. One of my best buddies, turns out, had set him up to it. My best guy friend has been saying from the beginning how he could totally see me and this guy dating. Ever since then I've been telling my best buddy that I wasn't interested in him. Besides I had my other guy friend who I had my whole friends with benefits thing going on with.
This is getting confusing. Let me try this a different way.
A- Best guy friend.
B- Guy friend who asked me out.
C- Friend with benefits guy.

Ok, so B has liked me forever. A is one of my best friends. We haven't really ever done anything together, except for the one time we thought we could try a friends with benefits thing together, but we didn't get past making out. C is the guy I was in love with, the one I had a friends with benefits thing with, until we stopped it so I could be with my (ex) boyfriend, but which we have restarted. A had called that me and B would make a perfect couple. I had said how I had no feelings for B and would most likely reject him should he ever ask me out. On monday, me and the boyfriend broke up. During the week, A and B came to visit me a couple times and I talked with both of them via MSN and telephone. On saturday I for some reason was talking to A and decided to ask him if B liked me. A said that he couldn't tell me because he's friends with both me and B and he couldn't sell anybody out. So I thought nothing of it. Me and C started making plans to see each other again. B called during dinner. I said I'd call him back. I called him back and he asked me out. Being really close friends I had trouble letting him down easily, so I hesitated a bit. He got all flustered and started saying how its no big deal and I didn't need to say yes and all that. I just felt so bad I figured it wouldn't hurt to try it. So I'm just like "Yeah.. sure, I mean, we can try it out, yeah?". I then found out that A had set him up to it and had even set a deadline for when B had to ask me out by. As soon as I had this figured out, I called the Ginger and she was horribly amused by the whole thing and just started laughing at me. She promised to yell at A and I assured her that I had that covered. Directly after that phone called I proceeded to call A. A picks up, with a very amused tone and starts talking about randomness. We kid around a bit and I have a mini spaz attack at him but he assures me that he's informed B that it most likely won't work out. Which I was extremely appreciative of.

Anyways, yeah, so now I have that to deal with.

Next day, sunday, I get in a stupid fight with my parents (go figure) and its about how "my shirt was too open". It was a fucking tank top. They gave me a shitload of grief and my dad lost his temper and got a tad violent which lead to me getting pissed and throwing myself at him just hitting everywhere and anything I could reach. This lead to my mom calling me a "Sex Object" (her words exactly) and basically calling me a slut. I was standing in my room seriously contemplating suicide. The only way I've considered is by taking a shitload of advils. Maybe chase the advils with some Bacardi? I was actually just standing there, 12 advils in hand. I was so close to doing it too. I wanted to make them suffer. I wasn't sure that it would bother them at all, but it might've. I decided against it and instead walked out of the house. I started walking away, my parents called my cousins, cousins picked me up and took me to my aunts house where there was a huge family gathering thing and I got a lecture from my grandma and my aunt (from my dad's side) about how I should just listen to my parents and do what they say sometimes.

Then, as I was cooling down a bit from te huge temper tantrum thing, I was sitting outside, by my aunt's pool and was immideatly pushed into the water. With my phone in my pocket. In case you haven't figured it out, my phone is currently not in existence.

Lastly, summer school is going alright. I think I'm passing. We've done two tests so far. The first one I got a 50, a 57 and a 100 on the three different parts of the test. The second one we didn't get back yet, but I'm expecting a similar mark as the first test.

Oh, I lied, that wasn't the last thing. Theres three more.

My parents don't drink. So theres no alchohol in our house. Or so I thought. Turns out, they had a nice little bottle of Bacardi that they got from the Dominican (or Cuba, I can't remember) and it was just kinda lying around in one of the downstairs cupboards. I figured they wouldn't notice if it went missing and took it up to my room, nicely hidden, for any special occasions. Granted, I'm not a huge fan of rum, I prefer vodka, it's still better then nothing.

Second last, one of my friends, this guy is the most amusing, carefree people you will ever meet. So he has a girlfriend, but he seems to have no problem whatsoever flirting with me. Which I'm not sure if thats what he's doing or what, but thats what it feels like. We'll be talknig about something and he'll ask what size my chest is. Or whether I've given head or if I spit or swallow. Apparently he told the girlfriend something about me and she got all jealous and started telling him about a dream she had where he was making out with me and she decided to retaliate by screwing this really hot russian guy we all know and love.
I don't know why I told that story, but it felt more important while it was still in my head.

The last thing (I promise this is it) I was on the phone with my other bestie and my mom was telling me to go to bed. She kept spazzing so I rushed my story about A and B and said night to her. My mom walks in my room as I'm hanging up saying, "What was that about?"
"None of your business"
"Yes it is, your my daughter and it matters. Who asked you out? Whats going on?"
"Well, when you don't tell me whats going on in your life, I have to find out somehow."
The End

Ughh, she pisses me off so much. Whats it to her whats going on with my relationships and all that shit?

Anywho, yeah.. thats it for now. Wow, I didn't realize I needed to write so much.

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