Tuesday, July 28, 2009

You Think I'm Intimidating?!?!

So I finally went on my date with the guy who's had a crush on me for ages. The one I went to prom with. Surprisingly, it was really.. nice. I could tell he was really nervous, and I was waiting for him to make a move through the whole movie (which he didn't and which I thought to be really refreshing). After the movie, he confessed that he was really nervous and felt intimidated. "You're intimidated by me? AWWWW! Why? We're like, best friends!!" This got him laughing and I think it got some of the nervousness off him. He walked me home and kept his arm either around my shoulder or my waist throughout the walk. It was a nice walk and we had some intense conversation (about the stereotype people tend to stick on teenagers). When we got to my house, I invited him in and we talked and played this video game thing my sister has.
I was slightly surprised at how much I enjoyed myself. It was actually really nice. The only thing is that I can't help seeing us as just friends. Even the "date" we went on didn't feel like more then our usual "hanging out".
Whatever, let's just wait and see what happens.

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