Sunday, March 21, 2010

What a Twisted, Twisted Game

So I think it occurred to me, just last night, why it is I haven't been able to write lately: it's cause people keep telling me to talk to them, and by the time everyone's done listening, I'm done talking, and no longer need to write it all down. It's kinda frustrating just because I generally enjoy writing in here, though, to be honest, it's kinda nice talking to people too. Either way, because of this new development, I may not be writing as much. I really should try to write anyways, just so that I can read all of it one day, when I'm old and grey.
I do have somethings to write about, so bear with me. First of all, this is kinda funny, but, the other night, I was having this really weird dream, and sort of semi-consciously, I wrote down the lyrics to the song I made up in the dream. I'm not gonna post them here, because they were ridiculously stupid, and not even complete. I was, however, fairly amused by this. Also, I've decided that writing in here when I have a crush, or a boyfriend, is a really bad idea, it ruins the entire air of the place, and to be honest, the stuff I write then isn't particularly interesting. I will mention, however, this new guy I think I'm really into. Only problem is that he's older, twenty, I think, and I don't see him much (though we have been talking a fair bit of late, via Internet). Oh, I lied, that's not the only problem, apparently, he's also depressed, and dealing with that stuff right now. That doesn't bother me at all, but I don't want to affect his recovery by flirting with him, or suggesting that I'm into him.
I dunno, I think he might like me too.
Uhm, what else?
Oh, another humorous/random event occurred, I got asked out to prom. Lol, but it was over Facebook, by the guy's female friend, asking if I would say yes f he asked me to prom. I wasn't sure what to say to it. I think it may've been a joke. I feel bad about this, but I'm thinking that I may just tell him that I'm already going with someone.

I visited Waterloo uni, too, by the way. I think I liked it, it was nice. I only went for this school play thing I was invited too, which was awesome, but I think what really struck me was a) the fact that they played Regina Spektor (Samson) at the end of the play, and b) the number of adorable/artsy type guys in the place.
I don't think I'd mind going there next year.
Anywho, I'd best be off, I haven't even started the pile of march break homework I got a week ago, all of which is due tomorrow O.O'

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