Thursday, April 1, 2010

I Was Hoping I Could Be Independent of This for at Least a Little Bit Longer

I guess not.

I hate the feeling that I don't have this anymore, but I can hardly stop writing for fear of having it read. Though, to be honest, I'm pretty sure he's stopped reading anyways, so I guess it doesn't really matter.

Everything was going so well, everything was beginning to fit, and yeah, I was rushing things, but it was ok, I thought.
Just the other day, I was sitting and talking to my cat. It was just like, this rant, about how everything comes and goes, and theres no sense doing anything because we just spend our entire lives waiting. And then, when we're done waiting, when our turn comes, we leave. It's like waiting in line at the movie theatre. Yeah, sure, you might see the cute girl from your science class, and have a conversation with her, but then she goes back to her spot in line, and...
Hold that thought, it's 11:11... I wish..
I wish all of this would just go away.
and yeah, you're back to waiting in line, and she might get in before you. Point is, nothing was accomplished, because the goal is getting into the movie. And right now, no matter how I feel, whether I'm happy, or excited, or curious, or whatever, it doesn't matter, because the cycle goes on, and then I'm sad again. I just wasn't expecting it to have such a short run.
I don't get it.
Wasn't he all.. into me?
Funny thing is, I was being yelled at today, by this guy, telling me "Don't hurt him the way you hurt ---- (the guy who took me to prom)". He genuinley believed I was some cold hearted bitch who just liked hurting people.
Crap, I think my internets being disconnected, so I'll just leave this here for the time being

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