Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Too Long, Too Long

My dear friend, oh how I have missed you. You know not of the madness I have seen since last we spoke. I ask not but forgiveness for having left you so long. I assure you that it was by no fault of my own. My parents, you see, have a stick up their behinds.
Lol, in all seriousness, I've missed this. The reason I've been away so long is that my parents were being.. themselves and were stalking me (I may have mentioned this before, if so, bear with me once more).
You know what, nahhh, I was away too long to actually try to explain everything and catch up. I think I'm gonna just.. start afresh.
I just moved into res today, Waterloo Univserity, frosh week starts. I met some cool people tonight and we went searching for parties all night. Ended up finding this massive sausage fest, which was lame, so we ditched and found some weed.
Got seriously fucked.. don't think roomie dearest likes it much. But no, she's really cool. Not too social, but really sweet, and yeah. She seems cool.
I'm dead tired, so I'm gonna leave this intro short and sweet and try to find time to write more at a later date.
Tata for now

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