Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Kay, so the hole is over there.

No, on the other side of the apple. Thereee ya go. Hahahaha, you totes thought I was going in a different direction with that "whole" thing.
Lol, no pun in tended.
Get it, cause it's "whole" thing, instead of that "hole" thing? Shuddup, it was funny in my head -_-

ANYWHO. There is a story behind the title, and it's all part of my entertaining.... evening? Yeah, sure, cause the entertainment started around 6ish. So I went to go see the gay brit and we chilled for a bit then headed back to his dorm. He lives on an all boys floor and I had to pee and he's like "no worries, just go use ours. It's a unisex bathroom". I believed him. Walked in and saw a bunch of guys peeing and brushing their teeth. The worst part is, I didn't turn around and say sorry "wrong room". I walked in. Went to a stall. Sat down. And peed. WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH ME??? One of the guys told me, as I was leaving, "maybe it'll be best if you use the bathroom upstairs next time". I almost died of embarrassment. Then, back in gay brits room, we were drinking these apple cider alcohol drinks (that are super awesome and come in Tall Boy cans) and we found some writings under his shelf, above his pillow. I was reading them and one said a guys name and the year 85-86 underneath it. SO we decided to look this guy up and see where he is at this point in his life. We found him through google and then managed to find his e-mail address and decided to write to him and tell him the we were in his old room and stuff. We haven't heard back from him yet, but it was super exciting. As I mentioned earlier, this was all done while drinking this cider which got me fairly intoxicated. When we had to part ways, I to go him and him to continue his frosh duties, I was kinda drunk and had a half hour walk back home- where we had celebratory champagne (which we later found to be sparkling white wine, not champagne) with our dinner. Needless to say, I was pretty drunk after dinner. We decided to go for a walk and went through this petting zoo/garden/park thing and had a good time climbing things and being stupid and walking on railway tracks. On our way back home we found that one of my housemates (who we will dub WL- because she goes to Laurier) had lost her phone. None of the rest of us brought phones. We couldn't call her to help us find it and we didn't know what to do. So we just kinda looked around but couldn't find it anywhere. I told them I'd go to the house to get a flashlight and a phone to help us look. On my way back after I'd gotten the stuff, I ran into our.... neighbors? Well, they live in a subdivision of our house/building. And I ran into them- as they were lighting a bowl. It was an apple bong. For those who don't know, an apple bong is when you poke a hole into the apple from the stem, and then (I believe) you poke another hole in the side and connect the two "tunnels". You put the weed in the part of the apple with a stem, on top of some tin foil or filter, and smoke through the side hole. It's pretty intense and I had been craving weed that day. We said hello and introduced ourselves because we hadn't really met before, and they offered me a hit. I really wanted to, but I was in a rush to go help WL. They insisted (and I can't say no to weed) so I took a hit. After talking a bit more they asked to see the house and then showed me their house. They then, eversokindly, offered to help with the search. Thus, I found a search party. One of the guys hurt his wrist jumping a fence so him, his girlfriend and one of the guys headed back leaving just me and WL and 3 of the guys we met. One of the neighbors eventually found the phone just as we were going to give up our search so we headed back and I invited them in for tea. I was hoping they'd say no cause I was super exhausted and it was already past 1am then. Unfortunately they accepted and I had to stay up making them tea and entertaining them and stuff.

Goddamn I'm tired. Think I'll have to leave the story here. Though, not much else happened, it was jut really entertaining watching this guy trying to get me to invite him (alone) to stay longer as the other two left. He asked for my number then texted me saying "what are your plans for tonight?" Hahahaha. But he was cute. And sweet. Not really my ideal, but I guess I'd be happy dating him. He'd be acceptable.
As much as I'd love to write more, my eyes are slowly closing on me.

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