Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The Little Duck Tie

Finally got the Next To Normal soundtrack from the brit. It's sooo good. Granted, these Mint Thin thingies are pretty fucking good too. And so was that veggie burger I had for dinner. Mmmmmmm, all this food talk is a bitchh.
So I wanted to write this in a way that wouldn't sound so pathetically first timerish, but couldn't think of anything  so I'll just say it. I'm having a bowl right now and I'm super curious as to what I may write whilst high. But so far it sounds pretty much like how I usually write. And I would be perfect for you, I could be perfect for youu. 
This cuckoo's nest is worse. Lol, guess I'm not really writing, kinda switched to quoting the music. Hahahha, she just referenced Sylvia Plath.
Uhm, stuff keeps twitching, and my neck is cricking and so are the crickets outside. The bike rack shufffle, the dance of the bars and wheels. The knuckles dancing, mini solos and bold duets? Cars driving by, up in my room, so fluid, so loud. Hard to swallow, gravel chunks bouncing off the waterfall throat. Sticky fingers, itchy ears. No similarity- just parts of the process. The marriage. The system. Massive zits and oddly placed hickeys.  Misplaced zits and famous hickeys. Hickets. Bong water, stubbed toe. NO MORE LISTS! No bruises, no needles and pins. But what is poetry without listing? Words that work and form and portray, nothing gray- light and beauty and all that is write about the word. We're learning about Rhetoric in school. Oh, elementary school. Remember? When our biggest fear was that there might be a substitute teacher in that foreign classroom. We had Disney backpacks and Barney was still cool. I missed 11:11. I'll compensate with more- nay moar chocolate. Mmmmmmmm.That was really good chocolate. Why is it that chocolate tastes so much better when you're high? Lis and I were contemplating that whole "high" thing. I don't know why I put quotations on that. But we had made some fairly interesting breakthroughs regarding existence and what life really is. I'd tell you exactly what our theories were but I can't remember for the life of me. Again, always seems to be the case. You come up with some brilliant ideas and theories and concepts and then they're gone as soon you're sober. The worst. 
I think I'm gonna go watch a movie or something now. Remind myself to do my Rhetorics journal and Assignment 1 for CS tomorrow. Anything else? No. Don't think so. Need to leave this room before I take more chocolate. Gahhhhh, chocolateee.
OH. First, I totally forgot to mention the awkward time with the brit's roommate today. Hahahahaha, I had texted the brit if I could nap in his room between my classes today and he said sure. So after lunch he walked me to his room and left for his class. His roommate was there when me and him walked in and was watching animes on his computer. I sat down at the desk, finished my resume and then collapsed in the bed and totally passed out. Don't know why I was so tired tbh. Also, don't know exactly where I was going with thaat story. Hmm. Anywho. Movie times. But I don't want to stop listening to the soundtrack. This song is so romantic and depressing. And moving. No, that other one was moving. What was it called? The piano one "you'll be done with this shit, and there's nothing your paranoid parents can say". Or something about Beethoven.
My psychopharmacologist and I... The Rapist. I called my shrink a rapist. I told her about it once. That she was The Rapist. She laughed at me. But not at me, just... with me. My favourite pills. Valium is my favorite color. HOW DO I STOP??? Gahhh, I can't stop listening to it. It's so addicting. And every time one song stops another one starts immediately. Bless me. (I sneezed) You should've seen my fngers fly over the keyboard during the typing of this last paragraph.

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