Monday, October 24, 2011

If I Could Be Like That

I would do anything. 
"So, I was goign to write aobu t time. No, not ryhem you stiplid keyboard, time. I was curious as to how we perceive time. I mean, what is time? In an hourglass, for example, time is that individual grain of glass that falls from te top half. In a weaver’s board, it;s each curve the thread makes between the bars. On a clock it’s the little red hand ticking each second away. But what is that space between eachtick, each grain, each curve?
Weed- it’s unconvential and its a solution, to life.

Not even gonna edit it, it's last night's BRILLIANT idea, just- stuff I was thinking about after having some of the greatest weed ever with the asian ottawaian. It was a good night. 
Weed- it’s unconvential and its a solution, to life."
My sister was over for the weekend, and that was exciting. I tried to keep her thoroughly entertained the entire time. We played beer pong with the other house (I'm a great role model) and then went costume shopping the next day. Not much else to say about the weekend, well, other than the fact that I found out that two of the girls that lived on my floor last year have started dating. I'm so proud of them because they decided to embrace their drunken kiss and dumped their respective boyfriends in order to understand, explore and embrace the feelings they had for each other. Not gonna lie, I did see it coming- I wasn't too shocked when they told me, I had always suspected one of them to lean a bit more in that direction, and the other one just made sense with her. 
Oh, and I talked to the white boy. Nothing serious, but we did bring up that night and kinda skimmed over what happened and why our friendship fell apart and stuff. I was kinda glad to get that out in the air. As soon as we started talking about it, I felt like I could just breathe easier. 
I just sat and watched this movie, Trust. It was torturous. Brilliant, but terrifying. It hit so close to home that I thought I was gonna be sick the entire time. I kept holding my breathe, waiting to see what happened next, and I burst out in tears every five minutes or so, just because of the way the parents of the girl would react to everything. It was so hard to watch from that perspective, I just kept thinking "This is what happened to my parents. They fought with each other, they yelled, they cried, they tried to comfort me, they tried to figure out who the guys I was talking with were- and I protected them too." It was especially difficult to watch because I understood and saw both perspectives. I knew why the girl wanted to protect the guy, but I finally understood why it was so hard for the the parents to deal with it after knowing all that they did. Every time the girl yelled at her parents, my heart broke a little bit because I knew I had done the same thing to my parents. It broke even more when I saw the parents dying inside afterwards. It was terrifying. 
Anyways, time to go to the gym. 
Oh, and I'm at 17 now. *sigh*

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