Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Having a Day From Hell

I'm getting fed up with this, not only have I practically lost the friendship I had with her, now I'm losing her too. Before, they were, as a couple, but I could still imagine they were separate people. I can't see it anymore. They're always together, they're hardly ever joining the rest of us, she didn't join us for her roommates birthday, AND I tried calling her today, and got her voicemail. It is a ridiculous message intertwining their two voices alternatively, saying that they aren't there to pick up the phone. IT'S A FUCKING CELL PHONE. There is no "our" in cell phone. A SINGLE PERSON owns a cellphone.

Yes, I realize I'm being a bitch about this, but I'm just getting really fed up and I'm already freaking out over tomorrow's exam, and I miss being friends with the person I thought was going to be my university bestie. Yeah, I know you read this, I just didn't really want to talk to you about it. Plus, I needed to vent, and this is technically where I vent, and I didn't know where else to write it. I can't believe I'm apologizing for saying whats on my mind on my blog. I used to think I'd be able to write whatever on here without freaking out about it, but now I'm just trying to keep writing so I can keep myself from clicking "Publish Post" cause I'm scared I'll hurt your feelings if I post this. So I'm trying to convince myself that it is my "safe place", the only place I can be completely honest, and that I should be able to write whatever I want here.

As I've said repeatedly, I do still love you, I just really don't like him, and what your relationship has done to your friendships with EVERYBODY. I remember the beginning of the year, and all the drama we dealt with because he was such a douche bag to you and would only hook up with you. How I'd sit and talk with you about how he'd come around eventually, and some other random shit. I think I was more ok with him then. I used to hug him *shudder*. I don't even think it's him I dislike so much as it is how you guys act as a couple. I'm sure I still dislike him, I just don't know why. He gets on my nerves.

Ugh, I should probably get back to studying now. That was a good rant. I hope it doesn't sound really mean or anything, that wasn't the direction I was going for. It was supposed to be more reflective, and venting, I suppose. Which means it may be kinda angry.

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