Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Turn Around

Getting bored of reading what she has to say, it's mostly about that anyways. Meh, whatever, her life, her choice. My main concern right now is my parents. Now that I'm back home for the summer, life's gonna go back to how it was in highschool, i.e., torture. Plus, I'm scared they're still following what I do on the internet, and thus, am scared they'll be able to read this. Achhh, I don't want to deal with this again. But I don't know what to do. For now I've just been laying low, doing whatever they want me to, haven't even left the house yet, like, since I got back. The blog is my main concern in regards to them, and I suppose it wouldn't hurt to write less over the summer, but I don't think I'll be able to not write. I don't know. I'm kinda hoping I'll see the shrink again. I miss her. And she always knew what to say, or how to fix something. But it was super expensive to see her. It cost a whole 200 bucks each time I saw her for an hour. God, those people make good money. I don't know if we can afford it on top of school fees. Maybe if I find a job I'll be able to pay for it, but we'll see.
On another note, he's trying to hook up with me again. I've agreed to go out for coffee with him sometime this week. I just hope it stays at coffee and doesn't go any further.
We shall see.

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