Sunday, April 3, 2011

Sand and Foam

This weekend was pretty sick, I wasn't expecting it to be as much fun as it was. I went home on friday, mainly to drop off some stuff, but also because the ginger, toto and I were going to the Tim Burton exhibit on saturday (which was INCREDIBLE). I got a ride home from a friend, which was awesome and highly convenient, plus, he's cool and I like his girlfriend :P. I think I was supposed to offer to chip in for gas, but I mean, it's not like I asked him to come get me, he was dropping a friend off in Waterloo, so I asked if I could go back with him. I probably should've offered anyways. Ah well, too late now.
As I said, the exhibit was great, a bunch of Tim Burton's artwork, and notes from the movies, and costumes, and just... stuff. Plus, we went to this really great food place before the exhibit and I had THE. GREATEST. PIZZA. EVER. Literally.
After the exhibit, we headed off to the pillow fight. I should explain. We like doing the events hosted by Improv Toronto, which is why we did the no pants subway ride, and the free hugs, and the other random stuff. Yesterday, they hosted a massive pillow fight, and people brought pillows, had a pillow fight and then donated the pillows to a charity thing. We spent the whole day lugging these pillows around, getting numerous looks from people, and a very entertaining encounter at the exhibit, cause security asked us to check our pillows into coat check :P. It was funneh.
SO, we went to the pillow fight and it was fun for about... ten minutes. Then we got bored. Luckily. we were prepared. We pulled out our free hug signs and started calling out things like "Stop the pillow fights!" "Violence is not the answer!" "Share hugs, not feathers!" etc., and that got a lot of attention, people were super excited to get hugs, and I think everyone took a picture of us. It was weird, but great fun, cause getting hugs always makes me smile.
We went to Timmies after, and met up with some old highschool friends, which was cool, but we had to leave early cause the ginger's dad was giving us a ride back. Overall, it was a good day.

Before I bring this to an end, I'd like to say to blondie, that we still love you, and we do still want to hang out with you all the time.. just preferably not with him... all the time. Just saying :D Also, SO EXCITED FOR THE HOUSE NEXT YEAR!!!

That is all.

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