Saturday, August 20, 2011

Boys Don't Cry

I don't know what it is, but I've been super emotional the past little while. Honestly, I figured it was just cause work was stressing me out, but I dunno, it seems a bit much to be simply a symptom of exhaustion. Par example, I was watching this movie "Boys Don't Cry" (gosh, it was a great movie, about a trans guy... f2m, and how he fell in love with this girl, but because they lived in hick town he kept it a secret, until everyone found out and a) raped him, b) beat him, and eventually c) killed him) and (back to my point) at the end of the movie when one of the dickheads puts a gun to Brendan's (the main character) head and pulls the trigger, I LITERALLY started bawling my eyes out. I was crying so hard, my dog came and sat in my lap and gave me kisses to try and cheer me up. I was so heartbroken over it that I was still crying at the end credits, and then my parents came home (they were at my grandma's) and saw me crying on the couch and got super concerned. I told them it was nothing, just a really sad movie and they kinda laughed at me *sadface*. Well, they didn't actually laugh at me, they just kinda smiled that knowing smile and my mum said "Aww, why did you sit and watch a sad movie by yourself? You should have watched it with me so I could hold you when we cried." Except she said it in farsi so it sounded more endearing.

On another note altogether, I'm torn. The family wants to go on vacation at the end of the month and our initial plans were going to P.E.I., but then my aunts decided they were going on a group trip to mexico, and they want us to go too. Thing is, I don't know which I want to do. P.E.I. is beautiful, and more cultured and peaceful and has beautiful scenery. Plus I've never been. Mexico, on the other hand, is hot sexy and full of free alcohol (we'd be staying at a resort) and sexy men. I don't know if I'm sexy enough to go to mexico, especially if the rest of my toothpick sized family is going. Ugh, I feel like a fucking cow when I stand next to my cousin. She's like, a third of my size and twice my height. Fucklife. I know, I'm being super shallow right now, but I can't help it- it comes with this new super emotional thing I'm going through. Maybe I am just tired. *Sigh* ah well, time for bed, work in the morningggg. Gahhh.

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