Wednesday, August 17, 2011

This Feels Right

You know how when something is right, but you don't know it's right, you just know it feels right? I don't really know why I mentioned that feeling, but it'd be super great if you knew the feeling anyways. Not for my benefit, but for your own. It's a truly great feeling. Not to mention, I'm kinda totally feeling it about my new blog make-over.
Bythewayyyy, I have some GREAT news. I've finally bought my furniture set for my room! Well, I haven't technically bought it yet, but my dad shook hands with the guy who's selling it to us, which is practically the same thing. It's great, small enough to fit in my room, but smart enough to permit a good amount of storage room. Hopefully it'll fit as perfectly as I see it in my head. Best part is that the guy is selling me the whole fucking set for a mere 250. Like, seriously? It's fantastic. Although, I did feel super guilty for not buying it from the furniture whole sale stores we were looking at. The stores were practically deserted when we were looking at the bed sets and the poor owners looked absolutely desperate to make a sale. They literally just kept dropping the price till they came to about 500 for a whole set, which gave them (according to my dad) almost no profit. I felt like it was my duty to help them out by buying something from them. Though, I guess it's not my fault- I'm a fucking university student. I can barely afford school. (That's a complete lie, I can't afford school. At all.)
Anywho, enough of this depressing financial talk. I am just so excited to move in, and I keep freaking out when I see the date and realize there's literally 2 weeks until I can live freely again. OH MA GAWD, I CANNOT FUCKING WAIT.
Asides from wanting to get out of here, it is without a doubt that I miss everyone like fucking crazy. (Sorry if I'm swearing more than usual, there was a stupid fight thing with my parents today and I guess I'm still kinda pissy.) Especially V. I really miss V. We've been texting a lot, and really randomly too. I think our last conversation started with him texting saying "I was thinking about co-op and I thought of you", or something like that. Of course I miss everyone else as well, like blondie and the brit and the asian ottawaian, but for some reason I've been thinking about V a lot lately.
Uhmm, I think that's it, plus I'm super exhausted. Fuck- because I didn't work 4 days, I immediately fell back into my old routine of going to bed at 5 in the morning. It's ridiculous. Plus, I have work on thursday so I'm gonna be screwedd. Fffffffff.
Ah well. Time for bed! Tata for now <3

1 comment:

  1. Wow, have I missed a lot. Been thinking of you love. It's good to hear you are looking forward to going back to school.

    I really like the new look on the blog. I just redid mine, and alas- I am not sold. As for the vacation, go for the peaceful one. You'll get all the sexy you need later. Peace is hard to find when you're young & going to college. At least this "old lady" says you should relax.

    Talk to you soon (and remember, I won't get a notification if you reply to me here hehe).

    Much love,
