Monday, August 15, 2011

I Wear My Sunglasses At Night

So I can, so I can 
Watch you weave 
Then breathe your story lines.

Gosh, I love that song. But only those first lyrics. They keep repeating in my head whenever someone mentions shades. Lol, anywho, I just got back from the twins place, BY FUCKING CARRR. Fuck yeah. Driving is cool *cool face*. Uhm, right, I just got back from the twins', we went to an open mic thing at this ADORABLE little coffee shop/bookstore called Covernotes. Love it. It was pretty sick, this one girl sang some of her own songs then did covers of Morissette and Twain. Haha, I feel so cultured, referring to people by their last names. Oh, nighttime, what a fool you make of me. Or maybe it's just me. You know, being me. 
Getting off track. I was talking with her about what I should get the gay brit for his birthday, and I told her how I had originally wanted to get him sexy underwear and a box of fur (it was in reference to a text conversation me and him had had regarding my current place of employment and his interest in a new fur coat). Unfortunately, I could not find the text in order to validate the direction of my gift, so I brought it up with him and he said "If I said no, we never had that (a conversation where he asked me to bring him dog fur), but we did have a conversation about getting me a man, would that change the gift?" (That was a direct quote) SO I said sure. Now I want to get him a man, I was thinking either a blow up doll, or a ken. And I'm still going to put it in a box of dog fur. I don't know why I'm talking about this, I just thought it was a very entertaining gift idea and figured you'd like to know. If anyone is still reading this. Or if I'm reading this, you know, later on in my life, when I decide to go back and peruse my youth and adolescence. Peruse. Haha, I didn't believe that was a real word at one point in time. I believe I was editing the tall white (dickhead's) essay and came across the term. I gave him a funny look signifying "what the fuck is this?" and was informed of the terms definition. Now it's just fun to say :P

"Dickhead" was mean, and I suppose uncalled for. I guess that because we haven't spoken at all lately, I still haven't gotten over what happened. Which is a bitch cause we'll practically be living together this year. FUCK. 

I love this feeling of release. I get it each time I start writing again. I'll usually start writing and be all "I have nothing to say" but then I get to typing, or writing, or whatever and suddenly all these words and thoughts and ideas start flowing out of my fingers and it get's me wondering, where were these feelings hiding for all this time?! Like, how did I survive with all these words bubbling underneath my surface?

Kay, is it just me, or has my writing style changed since... before? I don't know what it is, but as I reread what I've typed I'm kinda just thinking to myself, where is this coming from? I feel like I sound funny. Not funny like, humorous, but funny like- different. Hard to explain. Hopefully this makes sense to my reader. Whoever you may be. 
Hmmm, I may have had this thought before, but let me say it again, considering this is my blog, I seem to refer to the alleged reader a good number of times. 
At any rate, it's time for bed, I have to go furniture shopping tomorrow. *Sigh*

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