Monday, November 2, 2009

I Can't Escape This Hell

Uhm, I felt it was necessary to start a new post to share the rest of my news. It didn't really fit in with my hurt, broken speech thingy.

I finally told my best friend that I smoke, and she was totally ok with it. No spazzing whatsoever. This made me very happy. Also, the new guy that offered/suggested sleeping around is no more.. I think I've decided I'm not interested in fucking around with the "popular/jackass" type. Besides, I think he's all talk.

What else??
Oh, yeah, I partook in a threesome. With my best friend, and her boyfriend. At 4:00 a.m, in her bed. He was incredible, I think that's the best I will ever be fucked. However, there is chance that I may become pregnant from it.. they don't use protection.. and we didn't seem to think it was necessary that night either. Yes, I know.. stupid. I think I enjoyed the afterwards almost more. Well, not the direct afterwards. Haha, yeah, at about 5:30 a.m, I went out for a smoke, and let them have a little bit of couple time. So I went outside in nothing but my friends' sweater. Let me tell you, it's fucking cold in Canada. So that was also stupid. But yeah, I came back in, and they were done, and she was falling asleep. No one felt the need to put their clothes back on, so we were all lying naked in the bed. Me and him couldn't sleep, so we turned on the T.V, and he cuddled up close behind me, with his arm under my head, and the other arm draped over my stomach. It was pleasant, and it didn't feel lovey or anything.. just, comfortable.

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