Wednesday, November 4, 2009

I Feel So Untouched

Oh my goshh.
Weirdest fucking dream, ever.

No, that's a lie.. I've had weirder, but this one was ridiculously vivid, and I actually remember almost all of it.

So basically, in my dream, my best friend decided to marry my cousin, and they were all in love and happy (that in itself is fucking trippy.. my best friend is a skinny little seventeen year old ginger kid, and my cousin is a twenty something fat, hairy Persian guy, but aside from the appearance thing, their personalities are polar opposites as well. Safe to say, it was a scary thought). Anyways, they decided to wed, and it was a huge wedding ceremony, with loads of people, and big fancy dresses being sold in the main foyer (don't ask.. I didn't understand any of it either). My best friend's dress got ruined before the ceremony, so we were looking around the vendors trying to find her something for the wedding. We found the perfect dress, but the guy selling it was this sketchy mobster. I don't actually remember what happened directly after that, but I do remember ending up outside of the wedding place, holding a Starbucks latte. Suddenly there are these guys with guns, and I start crying, and they take my latte and I'm threatened, and I can't get into the wedding, and I start bitching at the head gunman and he sees that the wedding is all about love, and lets his wedding guest hostages free to go back to the wedding, and makes out with me outside of the building.

The End.

Bahahahahaha, that was alot funnier then I thought it was, I had just remembered it to be really creepy and weird. Actually, I think it ended with my best friend and my cousin driving off into the sunset.. or breaking up. But I can't remember, I was to engrossed in my make out session with sexy gunman :).

By the way, the title of this post has NOTHING to do with this dream.. it's just a song I'm currently addicted to. You should look it up.

By: The Veronicas

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