Sunday, November 8, 2009

Just Another Day In The Life Of

I really need to stop putting myself into these situations. It's gonna get me somewhere I most likely shouldn't go.
Though I know this, I can't seem to avoid doing stupid, careless things, like getting into a stranger's car and having a smoke with him.

I was dropped off at driving school the other day, but class was cancelled so I had to wait an hour for my dad to come back from the airport to pick me up (he was picking up my mom who had gone away on a business trip). As I was waiting, I decided to have a smoke. Just as I finished, this guy in a silver car drove by and asked me if I had a smoke. Feeling generous, I gave him one, and asked if he'd like to sit with me. He laughed and offered for me to get in the car instead, and that we could sit in there in the parking lot. Stupidly, I did. He laughed at me, and told me it was stupid to get into a stranger's car, but assured me that he wasn't a "crazy". We sat around, talking and such, then he offered me weed etc etc. As I was leaving, he asked for my number, and, thinking that I would only ever call him if I wanted weed, I gave him mine and got his. During our time in the car, talking, he asked about my sexual experiences and what I'd done. I had seen no harm in sharing, so I did.

Later that night, he called, to talk, and started implying how he'd like to see me some time, to fool around, and, more specifically, to have sex. I am not interested. I really want to tell him no, to tell him to stop, but I've already started flirting with him, and acting like my retarded, slutty self. It doesn't matter though. I'm going to turn him down, or just continue telling him I can't that night, or something. I just don't know how I get myself into these situations, or why.

On another note, I've started looking into universities a bit more. I went to see McMaster U a couple weeks ago (unfortunately, we kinda screwed that up and didn't register properly so I had to call up one of my friends that goes to the school and asked him to give us a tour of the place), and today I went to see U of Guelph. Out of the two so far, I like McMaster better.. it's prettier :P.

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