Sunday, November 15, 2009

Lonely in A Crowded Room

I stole the title from someone else's blog, but I just related to it alot, and wanted to remember it.

I'm kind of frustrated with myself right now. I'm such a fake person. Looking at all my "writing", I see that I've hardly ever written anything deep, or serious. I've stopped writing meaningful things, or poetry, or anything. It's all become recounts of the things I do. I don't mind the recounts, I like reading over them later; it makes me feel like my life is almost interesting.(Speaking of writing my recounts, I need to write about friday night, but I'm not in the mood to think about it right at this moment.) But this doesn't mean I should completely stop writing about things that matter.
Is my life, or the life around me, solely based on partying and going out?

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