Sunday, December 19, 2010

Secret Non-Denominational Gift Giving, Anyone?

Wow, it's been almost a week. Kinda disappointed with myself. Granted, it has been exam time, and I've actually been studying. Kind of. I've got two down, and one to go, and I'm not looking forward to it. My final exam is Drama, and that was most definitely my worst class. It'd be ok if there was actual acting in it, but noooo. Throughout the entire class, all we did was look at plays, discuss the history of certain dramatic forms and some other stuff that I don't really remember. Mainly because SHE NEVER TAUGHT IT TO US. I'm actually basing my analysis of what we learned in the class on what it says in the syllabus. In all of the drama classes I actually attended, not once did she teach us anything. She'd talk at us, but no one learnt anything. Meh, I'm not gonna complain. I'm almost done, and I've looked at my drama marks and I figure that so long as I pass this exam, I'll do fine. And thats all that really matters.
Moving on, today's my sisters birthday. She's officially 15 and I feel so bad for not being able to be with her for her birthday. I really do miss her. But I've promised to take her out for dinner when I get back, plus I got her a couple gifts I think she might like.
On a more serious note, it kinda feels like I'm disconnecting from my new friends. It's like me and ginger all over again. Like, sure, we love(d?) each other, but she didn't really care about me. And I focused too much on her. She became my best friend, and that really mattered to me, and was kinda my downfall because she was the best friend. I was still friends with other people, but moreso through her than on my own. This is making me a little bit scared, because I feel like I might be doing the same with blondie. The concern being that I'm not quite that high up on her list. Or even if I am, she's still got a good number of people before me. Of course, it's not like I'm mad or jealous that she's got other friends, just concerned for the position I've put myself in. As I tend to put myself in. Plus, I'm not too excited by the boyfriend, he reallllyyy gets on my nerves sometimes. Granted, she does tell me about him all the time, and generally complains about him to me, so my current theory is that (part) of the reason I dislike him is due to the fact that the majority of what I know of their relationship is the negative stuff. I'm sure she's told me some of the positives too, but I think its gotten to the point where that stuff doesn't matter and I only see him as the overly sexual, highly oblivious, and utterly ignorant boyfriend. Wait, ignorant and oblivious are synonymous, aren't they. Meh, you get the point.

I feel bad for her. He's really difficult sometimes.
Haha, the brit is super cute with his gf. I love it. They're adorable. Sure, they were going through their rough patches, but they seem to have figured it out.

And I am still desperately in search of a man. Or woman. But most likely man. Speaking of, the don from the other floor is really really cute. And I think he's noticed me. *Smile*

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