Friday, October 8, 2010

He's My Panda

I was in a particularly strange mood tonight. It was hard to explain to myself, and I figured where better to indulge in self exploration then here?
A couple of us decided not to sleep tonight, it is currently 7 o'clock in the morning and I'm still wide awake. The sun was just rising, and I was too lazy to get up and watch it, despite how beautiful I have no doubt that it is.
At any rate, on to my self exploration. I was thinking today about myself, the image I portray, the behavour I emit, etc. and I don't think I'm quite pleased with myself. It's quite unfortunate seeing as I need to be around myself so very often. The fact that I'm a huge slut and tend to do things so that other people will think of me in a certain way, I don't even know why I would want them to think of me like that anyways. (I apologize, I realize this isn't quite coherent, but in my defense, I am running on no sleep and have massive bags under my eyes).
Right, back on track. I realized that the only people on my floor that I'm even remotely attracted to are the two guys who are already in relationships. One of them more then the other, I think, I'm actually quite fond of him. More than a fondness though, it's strange. I can't quite explain what it is that makes me feel so attracted to him.
I met his girlfriend tonight, she's a sweetheart, I bet that had we gone to school together we'd have been best friends.
Kay, I've completely lost my train of thought, my friend just asked me to write a conclusion for her Shakespeare essay. I'll try this again at another point in time.

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