Thursday, October 21, 2010

Midterms, Movies and Musicals

Midterms are done, well, mine are at any rate, and I should be ecstatic, right? Nopeee. NOWW I need to work on my numerous assignments, essays and of course, Latin. Uggghhh.
Don't get me wrong, I do want to learn latin, and it'd be of much use to me should I choose to continue in this path towards becoming an English professor, but it takes up so much time, and theres a fucking language barrier between the class and the prof. Plus, I've spent so much time studying latin that I haven't even begun on the essays I have due in november.

Speaking of, I finally picked a topic for my women's studies essay. Well, I thought of topics. Haven't picked one yet. I'm planning on talking to the WS prof tonight after our lecture.

My british friend is nagging me cause I've not technically written anything about him other then in my list of (amazing) people met in Uni. So now I need to dedicate this to him, which I suppose is appropriate because the term "musical" is in the title. With this said, let me explain.
This brit began to be my friend on a night when we were both quite drunk and we decided to be, wait for it...
Oh ma gawd, yes. And so it began. We were drunk buddies and ran around singing at the top of our lungs. This has becme routine for us and we take it past drunkeness to just about any loud singing, anywhere. It's quite pleasant and highly entertaining. He's a mathie, by the way.

Quickly now, before I scamper off to be studious, let me say (for it appears I'd forgotten to mention), I've got a tattoo.
Didn't read that right, did you.
It says:

No, you read it right :)

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