Tuesday, October 5, 2010

How Do You Know If You Need To Pee or Go Period?

So I hate that I've not been writing, like at all, so I'm trying to mend that a little bit right now. Theres so much shit going on right now, I don't even know where to start. Let's see.
First, let's write the stuff I already have, some random things I was writing during WS (women's studies) last week.
"There are a lot of angry women in this class. I'm really interested to see how this is going to affect me. I can't wait to get to writing about this stuff."
"Heavisyde- Is your shirt suddenly creative because you rearranged the letters?:S"
"Why am I a feminist?"

Lawl, I like that last one. It was funnier in my head though. At any rate, that's it for the random notes. Now it's recounts.
Basically, I love university, it's so different from what I'm used to and I love meeting new people and socializing with EVERYBODY. It's great. The only downfall is the need to be responsible in terms of school work and the need to watch what and how much you spend. Unfortunately, I suck at both these things.
In fact, just this weekend, friday to monday, I spent a good 100 bucks on a trip to Queens university.
"Oh? Queens, you say? Why would you do a thing like that?" You may ask. The reason, quite simply is: Why not?
Nah, me and my bestie went together for her birthday (she goes to Guelph) and she knows a bunch of people there, and I know a couple too. We stayed at her friends place, he is an absolute sweetheart. He totally took complete care of us the entire time, watched us when we were drunk, made sure we were ok the entire time, made sure we weren't wanting for anything. In short, (which is ironic because he is quite tall), he was the perfect host. The friday night we got there, we immediately set to getting drunk, and then I met with my dear old FB and we spent the night together. No, not sex, but plenty of other beautiful stuff. The second day we decided to make jello shots and then give free hugs before getting completely wasted and partying all night. We made our signs, dealt with a really creepy guy (who touched/brushed my boob =O) and a bunch of lame people who just walked away, ignored us or laughed, but ended off happy with a good ratio of about 2 hugs per minute. Not too shabbeh. Uhm, right, that night we went in search of a party, found one, ended up moving all over the place on account of residential authorities (dons). We got wasted, tried ABSINTHE (yes, I know, holy fuck), got fucked, got high, and then (I) literally got fucked. Wanna guess where? You might remember this from multiple times before. Don't know?
The girls bathroom. More specifically, the girls bathroom floor. Yes, my back is still aching from it.
Plus, the next day, me and the bestie tried counting the number of hookups I rushed through during the weekend. I will now proceed to list them in chronological order:
1. FB
2. Bestie
3. The guy with the gum.
4. The girl with gum.
5. The Norwegian guy from the bathroom.

I'm gonna try to wrap this up now, cause it's taking pretty long. Basically, after that crazy weekend, we tried getting back to school for sunday night, but I missed my bus back to Waterloo from Guelph, and then missed the morning one as well on account of a faulty alarm clock. After much searching and many tears, (I really just wanted to get home at this point), I managed to find a GO bus that would take me to Waterloo with just one transfer. I got the early ride (11:45) and waited around for a good hour for the next bus to come. In that hour, I somehow managed to lose my transfer ticket. Figures, nothing wants to work for me at this point. The bus gets to the stop, I explain that I lost m ticket but that I have the receipt and the driver thinks about it for a bit and finally decides it seems legit.
I finally get home only to go to a massive poster sale and spend ANOTHER 50 bucks on posters. FML.
On the plus side, my room now looks great. I've got the entire wall and a good portion of the ceiling covered in beautiful images. I love it.

I wanted to go into a whole little thing about how much I love all the new people I've met here, and all the drama going on on our floor, but I think I'll save that for next time.

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