Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Life Is Like A Handbook Of Literay Terms

This is a lie, unless you can find a way for it to be so, in which case it would be. Fair enough? I believe so.
You know what's unfortunate?
You know what else is unfortunate?

I miss my friends. I miss my life. I miss being able to call the redhead at 3 in the morning and say, "I need to talk to you right now." Or better yet, just calling each other and having nonsensical conversations about how we would make a great comedy show should we ever be filmed.
Despite how great university life is, and how much I love the freedom and new great friends, I can't help but feel like something is missing. There is this empty little spot somewhere in me. I don't even know what it was full of before, but I can assure you, it was full.

On a brighter note, I don't believe I've introduced you to all my new friends yet.
Let's see. There are the two girls from Ottawa who I've fallen in love with, don't know what we'll refer to them as individually, but that'll come in time, as it will for everyone else I'm about to mention. There is the short Asian man we call V, the break dancing Asian man, the crippled redhead (he broke his collarbone, so we're referring to him as crippled atm), the ridiculously tall (handsome) white man, the salesman, the Brits, the Persian douche (who I am slowly learning to get used to), Dubai, the adorably naive white man (who Blondie from Ottawa is dating right now), my roomate (who I've mentioned before, I believe), Justin Bieber (sp?), Asthma, the brown girls who make me laugh, the Asian girl in my WS class (love her) and, uhm, I'm sure there's a ton more, but these are the one's from my floor and the only one's that come to mind at the current time of 4:14 in the morning.

Arggg, it's 4:14. That's not good.
Unfortunately, due to the fact that I need to write a midterm in 6 hours, I'm gonna wrap this up and attempt to work on it once more in the near future.
Well, not actually, but goodnight to this post and back to studying for ze midterm. (OH MA GAWWDD, SO MUCH FUNNNN!!)

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