Monday, October 25, 2010

Making My Way Through The Crowd

And I need you,
and I miss you.

Uhm, I'm 18! And pleased, and having a great time procrastinating. Plus, I just found the most beautiful man ever on Facebook, and came a little bit while face-stalking him. I'm totally kidding. But not really :)

ANYWHO. Sexy Halloween costume shopping tomorrow.. well, today. So excited (I'm so excitedd, I just can't hide it..) and Birthday shots.. tonight? Yes. Awsomesauce.
I really need to start doing my work. On the plus side, I actually read the play I need to read for Drama. Which is a start. Now I need to answer the question due for Tuesday. Arg.
Ugh, and I need to do my essays. And the Medieval assignment shit. Oh pooey.
I'm no longer pleased.
No, that's a lie. I'm in an overall good mood. Plus, I found some awesome webcomics I suggest you check out. ..I don't know how to add links in here. So listen to the elevator music playing in your head as I try to figure this out.


And Voila!

Hmm, that was actually pretty easy.
Yeah, basically, I'm a huge fan of Rosalarian.
Or Megan, whatever it is she goes by. She's brilliant.

Kay, I think I'm done. There was definitely more I wanted to write, but I can't remember what it was. So goodnight to you. Or good day, rather :)

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