Friday, April 24, 2009

Secrets, Secrets Are No Fun... But It's Less Fun When They Are Heard

Jeezuz Fucking Christ.

Fuck my life. I knew from the second my dad called me and told me we needed to "talk" that something was up. I even asked him then, "What did I do this time?"He assured me I didn't do anything wrong this time.. just something came up and we needed to talk. Foolishly, I believed him. Turns out my cousin.. who I thought I could trust with all my secrets (she tells me her secrets too) decided to go tell her mom, who in turn told my grandma, who then told my parents that I was bragging to my younger cousin about my sexual exploits.
Fucking shit. ARG.

I had half a mind to go and tell them all how she was doing shit with her friends, fucking smoking, pot, drinking.. all the shit I had gotten caught for before.. except the smoking, they never found out I had done weed. Point is, she isn't half as fucking innocent as they all seem to think she is. Ughhhhhh.. fuck. Even now, when i'm trying to almost be honest with them, I'm accused of lying.. yeah, no surprise I guess.. the whole boy who called wolf thing I guess, but still.


The worst part is that my cousin keeps telling me that she isn't spilling my secrets. I don't know what or who to believe. I give up. I want to give up. I want to die. I want my parents to die. I want to be adopted by some really abusive, horrible parents.. maybe that will help me appreciate the crap I have to deal with.

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