Thursday, April 2, 2009

If My Heart Were Fashioned With Paper, I'd Slowly Watch it Turn to Ash

Well fuck me.

First, minor thing. I decided to dye my hair. Wanted to do it black. So I bought black hair dye. Or at least thats what it said on the package. I dyed my hair, it turned out red. Well, dark brown but tinted red. My eyebrows are black. I looked retarded.
Luckily, I got my grandma to lighten my eyebrows later that day.

So that's alright.
Next, I had my wallet stolen. From in my purse. From behind my jacket. From in my locker in the swimming pool changeroom. I had my birth certificate, my health card, my student ID, my G1, my library card, some cash and a couple advil tablets.
I reported all this and went to the police and dealt with a ton of shit, then went and payed two bucks for a new library card and all that. Later on, I got a call from the pool telling me my wallet was found. The asshole took my cash, my G1 and my advil. What the fuck.

All this after earlier today I defended people from something my aunt's boyfriend said about how the world is full of bad people. I had told him, no, there are good people in the world. I get proven wrong later that day by having my wallet stolen. I got so mad. I want to fucknig bitch slap somebody or break something or just.. ughhh.

Unfortunatley, my day didn't get any better. After I got home from swimming, my mom found out that I had gotten my dad to promise to lie to my mom (I know, that's kinda hard to follow). My mom got shit pissed at both me and my dad and now I feel bad for my dad cause it's my fault. Then again, he did lie to me by telling my mom what me and him had decided.
So yeah... that's just another day in my life.

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