Monday, February 28, 2011

It's A New Day

Yes, I do realize how on and off my posts have been of late, and for that I apologize. Not to you, per say, all though if you are an avid reader, than I suppose I apologize to you too. No, I feel like this apology is to be directed to myself. I've been so caught up with, life, that I haven't put any time aside for myself. If that makes any sense. Granted, this blog has kinda stopped being for myself. It used to be, when I didn't know anyone was reading it, and when it was my little secret. But then I decided that I wanted, as Charlie puts it, for someone to know. Someone who could just know what was going on and.. just know. You know?

Theres some basketball kid on the news right now, from Laurier university. I wonder how he feels about it. I mean, you hear about this sort of thing in books and movies, and it's always some dumb popular kid that ends up on the news. Is he some dumb popular kid? Does he have a girlfriend? Or a boyfriend? Someone who's incredibly excited to see him on the news? Do you think he even knew he was on tv tonight? Maybe he just heard about it now, as he was finishing up some paper due tomorrow, and his buddy called him up to tell him to turn the tv to channel 12. I don't know, I mean, maybe it's not even such a big deal to him. Maybe he's some random who just joined the basketball team for shits and giggles. It's interesting to think about though.

Another interesting thing is this english paper I have to start writing. It's not actually a difficult thing to write, I just haven't gotten around to it yet. BUT it is a fascinating thing to write about. My paper is all about the isolating factors of the high school setting, namely those present in the books King Dork and Perks of Being a Wallflower. It's great cause, when I think about it, I wonder if everyone experiences it the same way, and I know they don't, so it makes it even more interesting. Like, sure, everyone experiences everything differently, but high school is something else. High school is where you start figuring out who you are, what you are, how you feel a bout certain things, how you're to deal with certain situations, etc. High school, for some people, is when they need to learn how to blend in to avoid bullies. For others, it's where they vent at their surroundings because of shit they deal with at home. It's where you grow, identify and experiment- all three of which are related in one way or another. You experience isolation, because you aren't quite liked by the "normal" people. You feel alienated because you aren't like the "normal" kids. It's really, something. DEFINITELY not the best four years of my life, but a huge... factor? in the rest of your life.

On a completely different note, why don't people like using cliches? Like, the reason cliches are around is because of what they are. Big ideas, or phrases, or whatever, that a bunch of people could relate to. You know? I mean, sure, it's better to say something in your own words, but if someone's already said it better, why not just use that?

I'm sure theres some random drama updates I should be writing about, but you know? I really couldn't care less. I'm enjoying "emptying my mind" of all these ongoing thoughts. And, I've stopped really thinking about my lifes events. I mean, sure, there important, and make up my life, technically, but theres so many more interesting things for me to think about, other than my life.

Well, that's all for now, back to feeble attempts at essay writing.

1 comment:

  1. I think this is my favorite post of yours so far :) Empty your head more often!

    Much love.
