Wednesday, February 2, 2011

"Women's Studies Notes"

My Brit friend decided to join me to my WS class one day. It was really great and we spent the entire class joking around and feeling utterly fascinated, while also making really "bad" feminist jokes as his "notes". He decided to put these on FB, and tagged me in them. I started getting all the really nasty "WSs is a joke" comments, and started to get pissed. This lead to me commenting, and then getting into a "fight" with this girl who was being kinda bitchy about the matter. Ottawaian blondie and my other friend started being mean to bitchy girl in my defense. My brit friend noticed what was going on and decided to give this incredible little speech. I had to share it: (I've replaced names :))

So I've noticed that this picture has increasingly become a flame thread, so I would like to address some issues that have obviously arisen.

Let's start off with the Women Studies course itself. While often times women studies is the brunt of many jokes, the course itself is a wonderful course. It is not merely a room full of whiny feminist, but a course that brings together aspects of psychology, philosophy, history and much more, and looks at it in the view of the female society. It also emphasizes critical thinking skills, so that one can look at something and analyze the consequences behind it. Does this picture objectify women? Does this statement imply that men lead better lives than women? ETC. While at times the course can seem stupid, and full of bullshit to outsiders, that's only because we aren't actively participating in the class. We aren't seeing the world the way those in the class are. We see whining, they see highlighting of important social issues.

Now, onto the comments made on this picture. Comments made by "bitchy girl" were only meant in a joking manner. "Bitchy girl" and I often have such conversations, taking on the role of underpowered women, complaining about how the men bring us down. These comments can be viewed as detrimental to the feminist movement, so I can see why people would take offense to them. Also, "Bitchy girl" , your response to (me), while jovial in manner, was not appropriate. It's OK for us to joke around, as we know each other values and beliefs. You know nothing of (my) values though. (Me) constantly puts up with anti-female jokes, and while she bears it in good grace, it does accumulate, and it does make her mad.

"Blondie and my friend", I found your comments to be very immature, and not a very effective way to deal with the topic at hand. "Bitchy girl" is entitled to her opinions. If she actually held values such as subservience to men high, then you would have no right to criticize her. Because isn't that what the feminist movement is about? Equal rights for all women, whatever their values be? They should be allowed to do whatever they please.

(Me), you dealt with this whole thread quite well, apart from the one quip to "Bitchy girl" . There isn't much i can say about you. So I won't...

We can all joke about feminism, and make hairy armpit comments and such, but we should not forgot the strives that feminism has accomplished. 90 years ago, women were not capable of voting in Canada. Look now. Data from the UK shows that women often outnumber men voters. In the 1950's 1/5 women were in the labour force. Now, that number has risen to 3/5, a significant boost. Great strives have been made, so let us not forget them

I have decided to delete all comments that could be considered sexist, or were flame comments. If more flame/overtly sexist comments turn up, I will delete this picture.

Thank you for your time

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