Friday, February 4, 2011

Your Hair Was Long, When We First Met

Hardcore chills last night, no sleep, and current desperation for cigs. Thus, morning writing. Or attempt at writing.
Uhm, right, so after womens studies, the brit came to chill with me in my room cause we got pizza and I wanted to steal movies from him. However, because theres this guy who's interested in him, he wasn't going to stay long, they had been planning to hang out. But the new love interest (NLI) ended coming to chill with us in my room, and then, I don't know why, or how he knew we were all hanging out in my room, but my other gay friend, brit's ex bf, also came and joined us. So it was me and 3 gay guys, and my friend who we're all pretty sure to be gay. It was alot of fun and all, but they were alot to handle. Very, energetic. And highly entertaining. We danced for a while, and I use the term "dance" loosely, it was more them rubbing against me and abusing me *sigh*, lol, but it was entertaining, and fairly intriguing. I mean, I'd not had much exposure to the queer community before uni started, I mean, I considered myself bi, but it didn't mean much. Suddenly, I'm taking womens studies and queer film course. It's alot to absorb. But yeah, I'd had like, 1 or 2 gay friends through highschool, and last night, when I started thinking about it, it was like I was suddenly enlightened. I'm not going to go into detail about that, mainly because I don't know how to explain what I mean, and even if I did, I fear I'd say it wrong.

Anywho, after all the dancing, we decided to chill around, talk, and then later played pool till 4 am, and then decided to watch Moulin Rouge, because one of them hadn't seen it and apparently you can't call yourself gay if there are certain movies you haven't seen.

Ended up going to bed at 7 am, and got all of maybe 4 hours of sleep? And now I want to go shower and go get my smokes.
So tata for now XD.

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