Monday, February 7, 2011

Nothing Really Matters

It's kinda sad, the direction our friendship has turned. We used to all go out together, random movie nights, dinners, whatever. Now, theres no more of that. I don't remember the last time all of us went to see a movie. Sure, occasionally, a group of the majority of us will get together to eat at the caf, but that's the extent of it. I hardly hang out with blondie any more, except the occasional friday, mainly because she's always got her date nights. I've practically stopped talking with tall white boy (due to our juvenile conflict), and I only sometimes see V. The brit and I get food more often than not, but it's still not much, same with me and the asian ottawaian. Again, we see each other, but we don't go out. At all. It makes me sad.
On the other hand, I am making some great new friends. Like, today, my english class was cancelled, so I went out for coffee with a couple people from my queer film course. They're really great, those artsy involved type people. It's really great having intellectual conversation with people, I seldom get to do it with a lot of my friends. Most people just don't have much to say about things like silence, or the lack of diversity in sociology courses (a couple of the topics we brooded on during coffee). Speaking of new friends, theres also the girl from my english class who I've gotten to be friends with. I absolutely adore hanging out with her. I mean, she's kinda intimidating, but I respect her so much for being a "real person". We have alot in common, and I feel like we're going to be hanging out alot more. She came over friday night to help me dye my hair (yeah, I decided to bleach it, but more on that after this) and then we went for bubble tea and from there went to her place for light conversation, and then tarot cards. Yeah, random, but great fun. We got to know each other and talked about all our stories and experiences and religious and philosophical beliefs. It was brilliant.

Right, so the bleached hair. Uhm, I've got naturally brown hair, dark brownish, I suppose. But I like dying it black, or dark, or whatever. But I've never done it lighter. So on friday, me and blondie went to the mall and she wanted to get some dye to lighten her color, and as I was standing in front of this box of bleach, I decided I wanted to be blonde. I bought it, went home and proceeded to dying my hair. It turned out well enough, I think. I'm quite fond of the look, except that my eyebrows are now invisible and I have to color them in, and also, my roots are actually blonde while my hair is kinda... caramelish. I dunno, I mean, I'm not blonde or anything, just kinda a really light brown. Meh, I like it, so it's good. And it's really funny each time I look in a mirror, or see my reflection in a window, I keep having to d0uble check to make sure it's still me :P

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