Wednesday, February 16, 2011

What If God Was One of Us

Kay, so, kinda going off the beaten path here, but I'm in English class right now and we're reading Frankenstein, and I was just kinda hit with this idea that really interested me. I don't know if anyone reading this has necessarily read Frankenstein, but it's a great book (so far, I haven't finished it yet) and it's all about this guy who creates a creature, who he's immediately repulsed by, and runs away from. This poor creature ends up trying to figure out life for himself, but is constantly rejected by human society, so he responds by wreaking havoc and attempting to get revenge on his "creator" by killing all that are dear to him (the creator, Victor). I was just thinking how this totally relates to human life. I mean, Victor is kinda like our God, he's created life, and has left this life from to fend for itself. That's not where I was going with this, because I don't think that God left us here due to fear or lack of responsibility, nonono, however, what I was going for was that, this book reminds me of this song, "What if God was one of Us". Again, if you haven't heard the song, it's all about if God was living among us, would we accept it, would we take note of it, how would we treat Him, etc. And reading this book, it kinda struck me that, the way both Victor and his creature are treated are a great reflection of how unaccepting we as people are. How we lack compassion. I mean, do you really think anyone would accept as strange a creature as Frankenstein's monster? Or, how do you think we'd respond to a "creator" figure? We wouldn't accept him. We wouldn't believe him. AND YET so many people believe in this "supernatural", immortal, and divine God. We can't see Him. We can't have a conversation with Him, and yet, we accept him. Yes, I realize that not everyone believes in God, and I'm not forcing a belief of God or religion onto you. Not at all, I'm just kinda observing. I find it quite fascinating. Plus, I myself don't really follow any religion, and even my opinion on the existence of God is ever changing. So I'm not suggesting that there IS a God, there may or may not be. I'm just taking note of how interesting we are as human beings.

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