Tuesday, November 9, 2010

I'm Having A Day From Hell

It wasn't going so well (before you came)
And you told me you needed space,
With a kiss on the side my face (not again)
And not to mention (the tears I shed)
But I should have kicked your (ass instead)

Don't know why that song is in my head, haven't heard it in a while, great song though. Speaking of songs, let me quickly get to the purpose of this post, because I don't have much time to waste tonight. Remember my rant about the roomie? It just got worse.
Having gone to bed at 5 AM last night, I was planning on sleeping nicely, waking up 10 minutes before class and then leaving. Want to know what happened instead? I was woken up, at 8 or 9 in the AM to the sound of a recording of her voice yelling at her to wake up. Fuck my life. Who does that?! Like, really? Would a normal alarm clock really be all that bad? I mean, I've got one too, it plays music. Most people can wake up to less vulgar things. A recording of her shrill voice, screeching incessantly to GET UPPP. WAKE UP M, IT'S TIME TO GO TO CLASS, WAKE UP M, GET UPPPPP. Just repeat that about 10 to 20 times and that's what woke me up this morning. And then, after I get up, I realize I've gotten a bit of a sore throat. Why? Because I didn't realize she'd left the window open. Again. Plus our room smelled like whatever Asian food it was she threw out a couple days ago.
*Sigh*. I swear, I'm not trying to be a bitch about this, it's just a lot to deal with. And it's just my luck too. Everyone else got a fairly normal roommate, why was I the odd one out? Whatever, I mean, so long as I can vent about it here, I'm sure I can deal with her for the rest of the year. Holy Fuck.
Kay, time to try this essay again.

Oh wait, one last thing. I may have to drop Latin. I talked to the professor today, and he said that I might be able to pass the course, but the final exam may screw me over (I'm paraphrasing), luckily the drop date has been mover to Nov 19th, meaning I can drop it without it having too negative an effect on my average. I hope. He said I should try and see if I can improve at all within the next week and depending on that we'll see if I drop or not. I'm quite certain I'll be dropping. I texted my mom about it and she was surprisingly good. She didn't yell at me or anything, just said that it was my decision, and that I should try and see what happens, worse comes to worst, I drop. I was genuinely and pleasantly surprised by her response. Had I still been living at home, I guarantee she would not have been so accommodating and we'd have ended up in one of our lovely arguments.

Alright, now that I've got all this off my chest, I can go back to writing my essay. I can do this! I believe in myself!

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