Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Let's Get Physical, Physical!

I went to the doctors today. As it turns out, I'm not pregnant. For now.
They actually said that. They tested my pee, and told me that from what they could tell, I wasn't pregnant, but that they couldn't be sure until the 5th week. Whatever, it's good enough for me. The trip to and at the doctors was.. interesting. It was like a little mini adventure. I was crazy nervous on my way there, and was walking my roommate to the office too (she's got a cold). So we get there and have to part ways, as they send me to Dr. S. Waiting outside the doctor's door, I think how weird it is going to the doctors on my own for the first time. Well, maybe not first, but like, second. But yeah, he calls me in and starts asking all these questions. Do you smoke? Drugs? Alcohol? How many sexual partners? How long have you been with your current partner? What's your family's history of illness? Etc.
That went on for a while, then he told me about the risks of birth control, and how there was a risk, but it was less than the risk of dying from pregnancy. -Weird-. He finally told me that I'd need to get a physical before he can give me the pills. Fuck. I've never had a full physical. I am fucking scared. Ugh. Just, ughhhh. It's gonna be so weird. AND it's scheduled for 9 in the morning before my final English class. Ewww.
*Sigh* Luckily, blondie's been supporting me, she came with me to make my first appointment, and met up with me after my testing. But I still can't help but freak out. Whatever, at least I'm not pregnant.
For now.

I don't think I've got much else to say. Uhm.
No, I shouldn't anyways, I've got an assignment to do and I keep putting it off. Lol, like last night, I was sitting around trying to do it and ended up watching "Meet the Robinsons" (a super cute disney movie. At least I think it's disney). Kay, see, no, time to go.

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