Wednesday, November 10, 2010

We Are The Waterloo Warriors

The title, as is usually the case, is irrelevant. I was just noting the banner my friend's got up in his room.
I've been spending way too much time here. I can't help it, I just keep finding things I need to say; plus, I really don't want to write my essay. I have another 2000 words to write.

In regards to my essay, I'm finding I can almost relate to the character I'm analyzing. She's lonely and delusional. I often find myself in much the same boat. And she's an English teacher! Who'd have thunk it. Maybe this is like the story of my life. I'm going to be out of the latest trend forever, I'll spend my days teaching English, and reading to people at an old folks home, and then every Sunday I'll go people watching. Analyze and make up stories for the people I see. Then, one day, someone will do the same to me, and they'll be talking to their friend about the lame chick in the weird outfit who's always here by herself. And I'll feel like crap about myself and commit suicide while thinking that my clothes are crying for me.

Wow, that was way more depressing then I'd been planning on going with it. Uhm, on another note, I just went out for a smoke with salesman and he's absolutely fascinating. I'd love to just study him. Make that my life's goal: understand salesman's brain. He's great to talk to though, he'll listen to what you have to say and actually listen, and then give you actual feedback! He'll explain to you the idea he has about how men and women are actually different and how that relates to whatever it is you're talking about (that was just an example, we were talking about something that related to men and women/relationships/etc.)

Ugh, fucking engineers. I swear, how do these people have time to get drunk on a Tuesday night? Not fair -_-


  1. I like your style. Thanks for the comment on my blog. I'm going to follow you, and I look forward to reading more entries.


  2. Uhm, thanks! It was nice reading yours too, and seeing that I'm not alone in a lot of my thinkings. You're a lot more optimistic then I am, and it was great reading it. As soon as I figure out how, I'm totally going to follow you too! (and not in the creepy real life stalking way :))
