Thursday, November 11, 2010

In Do Do Dubitably

Guess what?
No, don't bother, I'm about to tell you, because this is just so epic that it must be told, not guessed.

I'm so incredibly proud of myself. I'd prize myself with sleep, but now I need to study for a test I have tomorrow. Just in case any highschoolers are reading this, DO NOT, EVER, COMPLAIN ABOUT TOO MUCH WORK IN HIGH SCHOOL.
I remember when I'd complain about a single assignment I had due that week: I feel stupid for that now. I'd willingly give... a piece of my hair.. in order to be back in that situation. Yeah, I don't think I'd give up a limb for it. BUT STILL. My point has been made.

ANYWHO. This is breaktime, so no thinking about negative shit like tests or essays. Or the fact that I might fail out of Latin.

Uhm, yeah, slowly drinking my Monster right now, waiting for it to take affect. This is probably going to be another all nighter. FML.
Right, positive thinking.
Uhm. Erm. Ugh.
My Camels (smokes) came in today, that was pretty exciting. I don't know why I never thought of ordering smokes online before. It's a shit load cheaper, and they don't ID. Brilliant.

What else?
Me, the Ottowaians and ginger cripple went out to the lake an hour ago, it was really pretty and we took incense with us and wine and Sourpuss and had a little celebratory party for the completion of my essay, which was fun. And, as per usual, I'm chilling in tall white boy and V's room, as they nerd out to video games in the dark. Fun stufff!!
Kay, I'm sorry, but I just don't get video games. What is the purpose behind pretending to be some random character while beating shit up, or trying to reach the goal or whatever it is the goal of that specific game happens to be. It's just pointless. Then again, I suppose alot of things are pointless, doesn't really change the fact that we enjoy wasting our time doing those things.
I need to stop arguing with myself, I'm wasting all my brain cells. Well, the few I haven't yet killed off with weed, cigs, and alcohol.

I hate blondie from Ottawa right now, rawr... she got the idea of me and D (one night stand guy) in my head and I just can't get it out. I don't know if it's just cause I was high or what, but he was just SO PERFECT. Yum.
No. Bad. Stop.
Shit, kay, this needs to end before I dwell on it for any longer. Time to start studying!!

Oh boy, this is going to be a long night.


  1. I've only found myself able to thoroughly play a few video games... and they were all a balance of story (not too boring), puzzle (not too hard), and surprise (perfectly surprising). Few and far between I'd say... most games consist of one or the other. My lover (and many of my friends) are obsessed with Modern Warfare and all the war-type shoot-em-ups. THAT I don't get. So violent, so dirty... so ugly and plus the things people say over the mic are frankly awful. Yet, I have to admit it may be a good outlet for some kids who would otherwise find themselves tagging street signs or stealing cars. Ya know?

    (I by no means believe all video game players are criminals at heart, but if you really do enjoy something so violent you have to think... "What if violent video games didn't exist, but the violence inside the mind still did?" What would happen?)

  2. Oh, and good luck with your studying.

  3. Any suggestions on games one might enjoy? My friends think that if I find the right game I'd be very well suited for gaming (dunno if that's a compliment or not).
    I know exactly what you mean about the violence thing though, I'm sure they're not all terrible people, but I don't know how they could enjoy the violence of it. But then that would lead into a discussion on the desensitization of society towards casual violence, and that is definitely not something I want to get into right now.
    And thanks :)
