Monday, January 3, 2011

Another New Year Goes By

Yeah, I know I haven’t written in a bit, but it’s only cause I was home for the break and am still scared my parents stalk my interwebs. I’m currently writing this as a word document and plan to post it when I get back home. I mean back to school.

Totes feels more like home then here does.

Anywho, I need to write this all down now so that I don’t forget the marvellous details that made my New Years so… memorable.

No, memorable isn’t the right word. It’s more like, frustrating.

Basically, the plan was to attend two parties, both those of my good friends. I started out at one and found I was too allergic to her cat, plus my very difficult ex was there, and, yes, I love him, but he’s just realllyyy depressing and reallllyyyy horny. He’ll randomly bite my neck, or make me sit on his lap, or just all this other random stuff that sound normal enough but aren’t with him. It’s really hard to explain.

ANYWHO. Uhm, left her place and went to the other one. Started drinking awkwardly and alone-ish at first because I had some drama with some of the people there and I hadn’t spoken to most of the rest of them since the middle of high school. Got fairly intoxicated and made out with a guy I “dated” and “cheated on” in grade 8 (we’ll call him D). I put that in air quotes cause it never really happened. Too lazy to further explain that. The reason I made out with him, though, is entirely the fault of one of the guys who spent the majority of the night yelling things like “Hey, (me), when are you going to make out with D?” “Hey, (me), will you have sex with D tonight?” etc. Eventually, this peer pressure and my usual drunken sluttyness lead to us making out repeatedly, including at midnight at the end of the countdown. (It was my first New Years kiss). I was quite intoxicated at this point in time and somehow ended up with D, naked, in Gingers bed. One of the drunken retards walked in on us and went and told Ginger, which I’m actually really glad about, to be honest, I was hoping to behave myself this night. So Ginger storms up, flips out at me, I get my clothes on and follow her and apologize profusely, like, you have no idea. I was so determined that she was to forgive me that I started yelling at her. I finally managed to explain to her that I was really drunk, that it was the stupid guys fault, and that we didn’t do actually do anything, despite being naked in her bed. After this.. thing, I sobered up, fast, and had the pleasure of cleaning up and taking care of people. I cleaned up the same girl’s vomit, from the exact same place, twice. The idiot puked FIVE TIMES. Three of these times being in THE EXACT SAME PLACE. I also had the pleasure of swiffering the floor, taking care of burns in the carpet and cleaning out the hooka. Bah.

Whatever though, because, despite it all, I did enjoy myself. It may have been a mess, I may not have gotten much sleep, a lot of things could have gone a lot better, but even so, I had a good time. And I saw a bunch of old friends.

Twas, if nothing else, an experience.

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