Monday, January 10, 2011

Take On Me

So, haven't written in a bit, cause I've been super busy (wasting time), but not really. I've been fairly productive. First item of importance, WE FOUND A HOUSE! Our group of ten people has finally found a good place to rent for next term. They're two separate houses, but they're less than two minutes walk from each other. This is really great. And we're going to go sign the lease tomorrow. Not gonna lie, I am so glad this is done with. I was getting super fed up with looking for places and this one is.. well, better than alot of the ones we've seen so far.

I'm gonna try to keep each item short cause I'm kinda really tired and I still have some readings to do, so bare with me.

Uhm, right, me and my friend finally came up with our team name for the beer pong tournament going on on our floor this weekend. We are (officially) Two Girls Six Cups. Awesome, no?
A couple of our other ideas were Beer Goggled, We Are Man, Duh (a play on my teammate's name), Blind Pongers, and a couple others I don't remember.

Oh yeah, I was going to write about my classes this semester. I'm pretty excited because they're super fascinating classes. I'm taking Queer Cinema, Images of Women in Media, English: Isolation and Alienation, Peace and Conflict Studies, and Philosophy. It's gonna be great. Granted, my work load will most likely be HUGE, but I'm okay with that. For now, anyways.

What else? Ooh, had a great high the other night, so much fun. Started getting drunk with friends, then my friend asked if I wanted to get high with her (duhhh), so we went out and I was already fairly intoxicated. But the weed was great, I was all bubbly and laugh-ey (which is seldom the case with me). Pretty sure this guy on the upper floor was hitting on me, but I was too high to pay due notice. Ended up passing out on my friend's bed, woke up at like.. 5 am and went down to my own bed and then woke up a couple hours later to view houses. It was good times.

Hrmmm. Right! The brit broke up with his boyfriend :( I felt so bad for him cause I know what it's like to be in a bad breakup and apparently it was his first "serious" relationship, but it wasn't even that serious so he's sadface now. Me and him had a brilliant talk walk thing the night it happened (thursday, I think) and we just vented about all of our problems to each other. Apparently me and him have a lot in common. Then we started joking around and he said things like "I would totes date you if you were a guy, or if I was straight". I think we'd be highly compatible if either of those were the case.

Kay, ending this now, cause, as I said, I'm super tired and ready to collapse. You don't even know how many spelling mistakes I had in here two seconds ago. I've erased shit so many times you don't even know. It's ridonkulous.


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