Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Worst Day Ever

Well, no, not actually, but close enough. I started out waking up to my roommate coming back and unpacking with her parents. So I had to go change in my friends room, then I broke my glasses and tried to fix them with a knife, only to poke myself with it (ow). I finally get ready to go and, thinking it's monday, look at my schedule and see I have a class in a random building I've never heard of. On my way there, I get lost a couple times, had to ask for directions a couple times and finalllyyyyy find it. Only to see that the classroom is empty. What the fuck. Look at my schedule again, FUCK MY LIFE: today's tuesday. I walk all the way back to where I was right before I got lost, and then got lost trying to find the classroom inside the building. Find my class, walk in late (obviously) and have to sit on the stairs because the classrooms full.
After that fiasco, I head back home to rest and relax, and figure I should buy my books. Walk all the way to the bookstore only to find that its wayyy too crowded, and I don't have the patience to stand in line for that long. So I give up on that plan and decide to head back. Stopped midway by a friend asking if I'd like to join him to the mall. Have to head back anyways to get my broken glasses (so I can get them fixed at the mall) and finally my day starts turning around. Except for the utter exhaustion experienced due to the ongoing back and forth nonsense I went through. And the stupidity I portrayed in the glasses shop. Lol, that was funny though. The lady got m glasses fixed, brought them back to me and I put them on. I get really confused cause everything is super blurry and just... weird. She says "Oh, he cleaned them, it might be a change for you." I wipe them on my shirt anyways and put them back on. Still blurry. Confused, I think for a second, "OH! I'm still wearing my contacts!". ROFL.

Oh yeah, plus theres the drama going on with the guy I dated in elementary school. And hooked up with in high school. He randomly started messaging me again and started flirting with me and whatnot and I thought we were just kidding around. I think he's looking to hook up again, and I don't know if I'm interested or not. I mean, I'm kinda getting tired of just being everyone's booty call. I suppose it's better than nothing, but it doesn't do much for a person's self esteem. Unless that person was like me, and thus desperate for any sign of approval and found that the more people show any form of physical interest, the more attractive she is.
I dunno. I guess I don't mind hookups so much. Plus, just, I don't know. I'm tired of this stream of thought.

1 comment:

  1. I love the part about the contacts. Oh man, made me giggle. You're so silly.

    My two cents? Just be you- if you want to "be with" someone *giggle* to hopefully make them like you it's not essentially worth it. I guess, I don't know. I'm acting like I know everything.

    Just try to be true to yourself, and if it makes you feel bad (even down the road a ways) then don't do it.

    Good luck. Much love.
