Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Soaked To The Skin

Apparently getting high in the middle of the week isn't the most brilliant idea. Haha, me and my friend got high in her room, through an apple pipe, no less. It was brilliant, I'd never tried the apple before. I totally redefined the term "lightweight", got crazy fucked off a single hit, and she was all like "wtf?", and I just laughed at her. As stated previously, chocolate oranges are the absolute greatest snack food when you're high. They're incredible.

Anywho, yeah, it was fun, but I passed out in the lounge while trying to watch Across the Universe (which, by the way, is a huge fucking trip, but more on that in a sec), and woke up 20 minutes before my class started. Luckily, I made it only 15 minutes late, so it wasn't tooo bad, but I wasn't exactly in the right state of mind for class work or lectures.

Right, so Across the Universe, great movie. Huge trip. The whole thing, even the parts where there are like, normal, scenes. Like, at the beginning, when it's singing Helter Skelter, Lucy's hair IS the water, and all this crazy shit is going on. I don't know how to explain it, it just is. I wish I'd been able to stay up through the whole movie, I'd have loved to see the swimming scene. And the circus scene. AND the Dear Prudence scene :P.

Have you ever realized what that song actually means? "Dear Prudence"? Lol, "Won't you come out to play?". It's pretty funny. If you don't get it, go look up the word "prude".

Bleh, I'm really not in the mood to go to class tonight. A 3 hour lecture on peace and conflict, from the least enthusiastic of all my profs this semester. Ach. Not looking forward to it.
What else? I feel like I need to write a ton cause I've been really lame in my posts lately. I dunno, there's the Masquerave this friday, I'm gonna borrow something to wear from my friend, and as mentioned before, Ginger will be visiting, pretty excited for that too.

Ooh, I met these two guys from my film class today. They were pretty cool, out for a smoke after class and I bummed one off one of them, and that lead to us going for food at Timmie's until our next class started. We sat around and talked and got to know each other a little bit. They were pretty cool. One was a fourth year film student, and I don't know much about the other one, but he looks kinda old, like, older than some of the profs, but apparently he's in film too. They were fun to talk with. Plus, they'll be able to help me with the film analysis stuff we have to do because they're film majors (yayy!)

Hrm, philosophy paper due tomorrow, luckily I've pretty much finished it, I'm probably going to edit and change a couple things, but it'll take all of like, a half hour. If even. I mean, writing the paper itself took an hour, I don't think editing will take much time or effort, at all. I really want my smokes to come in. I ordered Marlbros(sp?) this time, can't wait!

Yeah, I think that's about it. I keep scanning my brain, but there's really nothing else to write. Nothing of interest at any rate. Kinda sucks, cause I'm trying to catch up with anything, I don't like that this is all that's going on right now. Pooh.

Waaiitt a second, I made a friend. I forgot about her. I didn't like her much when I met her, but she's in my English class and we're in the same group, and she's turned out to be pretty cool. I think she's taken to me the most out of the group, which would explain why she randomly invited me to her birthday thing (she didn't invite anyone else from the group, and we were all sitting together. It was funneh), unfortunately, I'm unable to attend due to the fact that I'm not yet of age to go to a bar, which is where it was to be held. I instead told her about the Masquerave and suggested she check that out, and maybe join our little group. She seemed pretty interested, so maybe she will join us after all.

Kay, I need to get to class now, so I'll end this here.

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