Thursday, January 20, 2011

Never Wanted It To Be Like This

I don't feel like writing. I've just been in the crappiest mood ever since this past weekend, and I haven't been able to be productive in anything, and then I start thinking about life, and how a fucking degree in Arts isn't going to do jack shit for me in the "real world" because everyone wants computer skills and shit like that, which I have none of. Honestly, technology scares me a little bit. Point is, I feel like my life is completely pointless right now. I mean, I keep going on about this guy and that guy, and that one girl, and the time I got really drunk, and if that's all my life is... well, how pathetic is that? Ugh, I don't know, I'm going to try to take "useful" courses next term, like speech com., and French, and maybe a psych course, or some intro to comp. sci thing. Dunno. Just... stuff I could put on a resume.

I sooo need a job.

A boyfriend would be nice too.

Sorry, I realize that last comment totally voids the above rant, but I can't help it. I mean, just now, me and four friends were watching a movie. Guess what? I was the one single out of the four. They're each dating each other. After the movie, I was sitting on one of the chairs as one couple is snuggled up on the couch whispering things to each other, and the other couple is sitting on each other's laps, wrapped up in a little blanket. What the fuck? Like, yeah, I'm happy for them, (well, except for Blondie, I can't help it, I really don't like her boyfriend. But I guess I'm happy that she's happy?) I just wish I wasn't the odd one out. At least, part of me feels this way. The other part of me just wants the entire male species to be obliterated.

1 comment:

  1. Ah, this morning I said out loud, "I wish the entire male species would just... disappear." Having a boyfriends is nice, sometimes. But I'm at my wits end. I just... don't... know...
