Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Here I Am, Once Again

(This is another post I'd written in my notebook during the break, so I'm just transferring it to here)

Due to my current situation, I am unable to write in my blog so I'm writing this here so that I don't forget what it was I'd been meaning to write. Granted, this occurred a couple days ago, so the details are already foggy. Basically, I was at my cousins the other night, and me and her got to talking of our exploits (as is usually the case). She asked me if I'd "popped M". Confused, I asked what M was and what she was talking about. MDMA (I believe), is the main component of E, and she was asking if I'd tried it yet. "No, but I've been meaning to, I just haven't been in a situation where it was present." She told me she could get me some. This concerned me a little bit because I know that doing dealings with my cousin generally lands me in some sort of trouble. That is to say, she generally rats me out. Anywho, desperation and utter curiosity won over sense and logic. I agreed and asked her to get me some.

That night I had the weirdest dream ever. I'm still not sure if it was even a dream or not. Part of me is still under the impression that my cousin slipped the pill to me while I was at her place and I experienced the trip while at home in my bed. It's hard to explain, but basically, I had the craziest trip ever. I was hallucinating, carefree and in bliss. It was so entertaining and just.. incredible. Usually, when I smoke weed, it ends up being, in some way or another, a bad trip. I either start freaking out over my parents finding out, or just everything hurts. This "trip" though (and I put "trip" in quotations because it was most likely a dream), wasn't even remotely negative. There were no scares, no nervousness, no nothing. Just excitement and all that. Had I taken to recording the details of my "trip" the moment I "woke up", I guarantee there'd be more details as to what I'd done (there was an adventure of sorts). But those details have left me right now and all I know is that it was brilliant.

Darts is most definitely not a real sport. Just saying.

I can't wait till we move into/get our new apartment. I'm so excited to decorate it and turn it into a home.
It's going to be AWESOME!


  1. I have found through experience- that the "trip" experienced under the influence of any drug is directly related to your REAL current state of comfort and happiness.

    The worst trip of my life was with weed, believe it or not- and the best trip was also with weed. Looking back, reflecting, I remember the circumstances and how I felt before I even thought about smoking those nights. Also, with other drugs I have dabbled with- I only did them when I was 100%, ABSOLUTELY, sure and comfortable in my situation. Why? Because I wanted to be able to relax. I'm a naturally cautious and overly aware (some may call it paranoid, but hey why make it something negative?) so I always made sure I knew my "ways out". Like, could I drive, and if I couldn't who could in case of emergency? And if no one else could- I didn't ingest the drug, but still enjoyed everyone's company. I'm very motherly in that way, I guess. I just like to know there is safety :)

    I've only had one really bad experience with drugs (as mentioned before). Though I have had MANY bad experiences with alcohol. Screw that stuff. Haha.

    Anyhoo- I am glad you enjoyed your "dream". Our subconscious is more powerful than we'll know anytime soon... the fun part is trying to find out the true extent of our "imagination" (or subconscious going-ons).

    Much love, always.

  2. Yeah, I know what you mean, I always have to make sure that I'm safe and in a comfortable environment before I can do anything.
    And of course dreams are fascinating and worth taking note of, and, obviously, enjoying.
