Sunday, April 25, 2010

I Solemnly Swear I'm Up To No Good

We got a puppy yesterday. I want to name him Fish, but they won't let. I'm ok with Ozzy too.
But yeah, I was all excited cause he's really cute, and so energetic and playful. I woke up at 6 in the morning cause of him and didn't even mind. That's how cute he is. Granted, my cat hates him, but that's only to be expected.
So today, my parents came home with a cage. And a collar. Apparently, my parents are all keen on having a "good dog". So, we need to go through this training process which basically consists of sticking a 6 week old puppy in a cage, putting a collar on him, and ignoring his cries. I was just crying cause of it and my parents think I'm being melodramatic.
I hate this.

I suppose it makes sense that you would put a dog in a cage, but, I mean, he's just a baby! We've already taken him from his mother, couldn't we at least cuddle him and treat him like the baby he is for a little bit before training him? Yeah, I guess it was melodramatic to cry about it, but you should have seen him. He was in the cage, crying, trying to get out, and looking at you with those eyes. It was torture.

Currently, I'm conversing with my friend about love, and whether or not it exists, which is interesting. Apparently, he's been in love.
Not sure how I feel about the concept. It's got to exist though, right?

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Worry Worthy?

Kay, I swear I'm not being clingy, I'm just genuinely concerned for his well-being.
I mean, he usually calls if he's not gonna visit, or he comes visit, or we talk online.
I haven't' heard from him all day, ANDD, we didn't even talk last night (I don't think).
Plus, he's not picking up the phone, and I don't know what to do.

I'm kinda scared :(

But no, I'm being stupid, right? I mean, he's totally fine. He probably just forgot to tell me he's busy, or something like that. Right??

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Five exclamation points, the sign of a true madman.

Uh huh, well, too bad I'm not crazy. (I swear I'm not, even the rapist agrees, I'm just "quirky"). Shrinking tomorrow!!! Oh boy, oh boy.

Erm, yeah, don't have enough time for a legitimate post tonight, but I felt like writing a post for four twenty, which is cause for taking some time out and reflecting (or smoking a joint). Plus, I feel the need to share an entertaining story about law class today.
My teacher was roleplaying a scene this scene (cause we were talking about AIDs)
Girl: Ooh, baby, let's go get freaky.
Guy: Mmmm, ooh, wait, babe, I should probably let you know, I've got the HIV.
Girl:Oh. Uhm, well then. I need to go... wash my hair.

Thing is, just as he was thinking up an excuse for the girl to get away, I called what he was going to say and we ended up saying "wash my hair" at the exact same time. Everyone turns around, looks at me, and we all burst out laughing. "Bahahahha, she's definitely used that excuse before!". It was entertaining. AND THEN we decided that our law teacher resembles the Crimson Chin from "Fairly Odd Parents".

Hahah, and, there was an awkward encounter today, between me, my ex and my other ex. I had left class "to go to the bathroom" and out in the hallway, I see the two of them just chatting. Not interested in joining the conversation, I attempt to walk past them, but they see me and one calls me over, "Hey whore". "Hey slut" I reply. The other one was all shocked, "You call her a whore?". To which he replies "duh" and the conversation goes on, we exchange hugs, I get lifted, tickled, poked, and squished once more, and then I escape, only to be dragged back for another hug (I'd forgotten to hug the other ex). I then escape, run away, find another friend, and as me and him are walking back to class, one of the ex's is headed in our direction. We stop to talk again, and he (ever so sweetly) tries to ask if the friend is my boyfriend. I'm pretty sure I saw jealousy. Lol, but that's only cause this is the ex who was trying to push for the hookup. Hahah, yeah, I love highschool. It is SO entertaining.

Oh, and, uhm, apparently, my boyfriend's falling for me.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Too Bad He Doesn’t Sparkle

Hahaha, so, my friend thinks he looks like a vampire (apparently you’ve got “fangs”), ANNDD, he was afraid of the sun today. Hmmmmm. She suggests I throw sparkles at him. Which I just so happen to have in my presence (convenient, no?). Mmmm, I do enjoy being with him (I wasn’t gonna do the play by play mushy teenager talk, but this is necessary).

No, I change my mind, it’s not (as it will only inflate his ego).

Uhm, on another note, I absolutely hate my parents right now. Moms not talking to anyone right now (I don’t even know why she’s angry this time) and dad’s a creepy stalker jackass. Fucking came to check up on me today! I mean, honestly? I got so pissed off, it was so uncalled for. Then, he had the balls to yell at me when I got home. UGHHHHH. -_-.

On a brighter note, I can finally have a good nights’ rest tonight. All the most recent projects and tests are done with right now, so I get a nice break for a little bit, and then I get to work on a couple thousand more projects this weekend. I do not like school work. ANNDDD, I’m still sore from the gym on Monday (that’s what we get for actually trying to have a serious workout).

So far my biggest mistake, is when I did it all for nothing.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


This was supposed to be a peaceful post, titled "Mmmm", with the sole content being "Contentment". However, I must now rant about how stupid the male species is, and how irked I am by them.
Well, no, that's not fair.
I'm not irked at the species in general. Just my ex, who decided he was bored and wanted to have some fun (again), so started talking to me again. This doesn't bother me so much. What bothers me is how fake some people can be in order to get what they want. For example, he wants to hook up again, but wants it to look casual, so instead he suggests we "hang out". Then, in order to get on my good side, and have me look upon him favorably, he tells me how much he misses me. He then attempts to compliment me with "I miss talking to you, you're not like other girls who don't use their brains". Uhhhmmm, kay? Thanks, I guess.
Actually, no, despite it's fakeness, that "compliment" was a nice touch.
Either way, not only does he have horrible timing, but I'm now beginning to see what the rapist means when she says I've become cynical in regards to guys, and what she means when she says that I let myself be used. Ugghhhh.
Wish I could talk more, but I've got a law test tomorrow, and had about two hours of sleep last night.
I don't know how this is going to work.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Smells Like Piss, This is Piss

Who Says This?

Tee-hee, I'm IN LOVE with the Sweeney Todd Soundtrack. Priceless.
Thought I'd let you know, my hair has been a cut once a more. (That sounds more intense in the weird accent thingy I'm using right now). But yes, it is cut, and at first I hated it, but I think it's growing on me.. it's a cute little bob type cut. Not too shabbehh.

I need to dye my eyebrows.
And work on my english project.
And reshape my eyebrows.
And work on my human growth project.
(Can't think of anything else to do to my eyebrows).
And work on my other english project.

I'ma gonna be a busy beeeeeeeee.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

This Has Been Long Overdue

So, after Valentine's Day, I had to write an essay about a turning point in my life. I figured what better then my recent attempt?
However, I couldn't bring myself to share that essay with anyone. I feel like it's about time I did.
So here it is:

Turning Points Essay
Suicide is considered to be a feeble attempt at escaping reality. Attempted suicide, on the other hand, is a pathetic reason to remain alive. It leaves the person at hand in a state of anguish, feeling remorse at having failed so simple a task, but without the strength to try again. An upsetting statistic is all we are afterwards. A statistic of eight. Eight attempted suicides per each completed. All I was afterwards. One of eight unfortunate folk envious of the ninth who happened to be successful and thus no longer on this Earth.
What I don’t understand is why people fear death. After all, it is the one thing we can be sure of. The one thing we can be dependent on. Yet, we all fear it, thinking of it as an unknown rather than a certainty. So, the question remains; if death is so definite to occur, what then is the remaining variable? I suppose the unknown would be “what happens next”? A question that I, whether fortunately or unfortunately, do not have the answer to.
I do, however, have the answer to the questions racing through your head right now. What would drive a person towards such a weak escape? I suppose in order for you to truly understand how I felt right before I emptied my cupped hand into my mouth, I’d need to go back a couple years and discuss the numerous arguments and fights that drove me to the conclusion that suicide was my only option. However, for the sake of time, we’ll only turn the clock back to the beginning of the month.
To begin with, my parents, like the majority of foreign parents, had little trust in me, and were against the concept of “average teenage behavior”. Going to parties, staying out late, even sleeping over at a good friend’s house; these were all taboo. I believe it was because I was so restricted that I decided to act out, to attempt to experience everything I was “supposed” to experience. I needed to have something in my life that was under my control. Since my first year of high school, I’d been behaving recklessly. The most recent and the technical cause for my moment of weakness was a party I’d gone to.
Having convinced my parents that it was an all girls sleepover party, with one of my close friends and a couple of her other friends, I managed to manipulate my parents into letting me go. The party was a wild one, one of the worst I’ve been to. The overpowering scent of alcohol, cigarettes, vanilla flavored cigars, and marijuana left everyone in a state of frenzy. At about four in the morning, people were beginning to pass out, the majority of the guests gone. I woke up about three hours later, only to find my hostess cleaning the house frantically. A couple hours later, the house was clean with my assistance, and my father was on his way to pick me up. As I stepped into the car, my dad looked at me, and I could see the suspicion in his face. I didn’t realize how strong the smell of the party was, nor did I realize how thoroughly the scent had stuck to my jacket.
It wasn’t until a couple days later that my parents confronted me with their suspicions. They told me that they thought I was using “illegal substances” and they wanted to have me do a drug test at the police station. Without going into detail, I can say that they learnt about a lot of things the next couple days, things that shocked and disappointed them. Due to this, they lost all trust and faith in me. Everything went downhill from there. Arguments were raging, threats were thrown, and not just between my parents and I. The situation was taking its toll on my parents and their relationship as well. My father’s health was in jeopardy, my mother was keeping a strong front, but we could all see that she was crumbling.
It was around this time, on Valentine’s Day to be exact, that another argument ensued. This time I was listening to them tell me how disgusted they were by my actions, that they didn’t understand, that I was to blame for the destruction of our family. I felt like I was losing my mind; the only thing I had left and it too was leaving me. Beside me was the Advil bottle. In it were about twenty pills. Five of which were the prescribed pills the dentist had given me the day I had had my molars removed. There they sat, reminding me that I had other options. I didn’t have the strength the first time. The yelling continued. Nothing had been solved, no alternative solution suggested. Waiting for the moment my parents left my room, I knew what I wanted to do. Almost on impulse, opening the container, I emptied the contents into my mouth, and took a gulp of water. I was in shock.
They didn't yet know. I was almost at peace, thinking "I won't have to cry for much longer". I spent the rest of the day in a state of semi-consciousness; in and out of sleep all day. They soon found out, by putting one and one together. Knowing that I don't normally sleep much, and noticing how many Advils were missing, they figured it out.
Despite the hell we went through, a lesson was learnt and I was reshaped. Today, after some time, I recognize how fragile life can be, and try daily to become a different person. Not necessarily a better person, but a more accommodating one at least. After all, being an individual, and making your own decisions, isn’t always about being rebellious; and after being so close to losing everything, a person realizes that many things are more important than we initially gave them credit for.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Peach and Lemon Hate the Cold

ROFL. I'm so lame for putting that as the title, because no one will get the joke, unless Big Red were to read this, which she doesn't. Ah well, I will look at it and laugh, and reminisce.

But yeah, I felt the need to post something she had written about our twinlisness, it just makes PERFECT SENSE. And we were really proud of ourselved for understanding it. So I thought I'd share.
"Okay so I have this friend.She's pretty much the same person as me. Basically, we are a part of a different world; you know those angels and devils on peoples shoulders? Yeah, we're in the angel/devil world. And together, we make up one person in a bigger world,with features that combine the two of us. Soooo my friend called being the devil first, but that is not going to happen because we interchange angel and devil roles sooo sometimes I'm the angel, and sometimes she's the devil. And so the angel is sometimes the devil and the devil is sometimes the angel...and our host is just really stupid."

Beautiful, no?
We are absolutely genius.

The Worst Part About Crying in the Shower

Is not being able to wipe away your tears.

Haha, random (awkward) encounter today. At the gym, I ran into my ex boyfriend's best friend. At first I wasn't sure how I knew her, then it clicked and I regretted calling her over. Ughhh, that was uncomfortable. Especially because we were both pretending like nothing had ever happened, but we both knew inside, so we were secretly icky with each other. Yeah, girls are retarded.
However, we of the female species maintain that we ARE NOT nearly as retarded as those of the male species. It is fact, it is proven, and I happen to believe it with the whole of my being.

Uhm, moving on, I think I'm reverting back to my old routine, I want to stick to it this time. I'm actually trying to work on the weight thing (because that would probably assist the self-esteem thing).

Lastly, besides being angry and wanting to scream, I just realized (again) that I'm leaving here soon. Very soon. I'll move away a good hour's drive away, and I won't need to deal with any of the unpleasantness found in -- (my town).
And while we're on the general topic of anger and frustration, I'd like to mention to you that it'd be pleasant if you didn't interfere with how me and my best friend talk with each other. She understands perfectly well what my "get over it" was regarding. Thank you kindly :)

I lied one more thing. "Ughh" and "Uhm" and "Rawr" and "Urg" and all those words ARE WORDS. So it'd be greatly appreciated if spellcheck would FUCK OFF.

That is all :)
I'm contemplating watching Precious tonight. Hrmmm.

Mmm, Cheese.

How will I know,
The right way to love you?
I'm such a fool,
I'm such a fool,
I'm such a fool.
This one's out of my hands.

Practically positive that the majority of the female species can relate to that song.

I was *this* close to breaking down today.
I'm too proud to be pitied.
Besides which, I don't want pity, or sympathy.
I don't want it, and I don't need it.

By the way, you weren't online, and I can't go on the phone right now, so let me just say, before I forget, I'd rather you didn't chastise me on the way I speak with my best friend. You misunderstood my "get over it". The only reason I can comfortably tell her to "get over it" is because a) she knows that her nagging me every single day is just asking for me to snap at some point or other, and b) because she knows I'm not genuinely mad at her for nagging me. So you don't to jump up and defend her. She knows what I mean.

And, one more thing before I go:

I'm honestly worried. (I fear that my pride is getting the better of me here.)

As you are aware, I do have feelings for you. And, I care about you. You matter to me, much like the other important people in my life. However, I don't want your pity. If you sincerely believe that you're with me because you have feelings for me as well, then that's great, and we can have a happily ever after. But, if you think that you're doing it more so to give me that happiness, then I don't want it. I want to be liked for me, not pitied for my situation.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

My Name Is Iris Chassidy

Hahaha, no, it's not, but how awesome would it be if it were?

Uhm, I'm feeling...
Tired of the same old thing?
Dealing with the same old thing?
Maybe even a little bit angry.

When will guys realize that they don't have to hurt the people who care about them. They don't have to plant these ridiculous seeds of doubt everywhere. They don't have to pretend like they don't care. They're allowed to feel genuine emotion, they're allowed to care about people, and actually let that person know.
Thing is, part of me doesn't actually care if I do doubt, just because I feel like, I'm helping him out, aren't I? Us being together, makes him feel better about himself, gives him a little bit of happiness. And if nothing else, I'm giving him something physically (or so I'd assume, seeing as he seems to enjoy certain things I do). Plus, just the fact that he thinks he's helping me by making me happy, that's also fairly therapeutic. None of this is to say I don't care for him, or I don't want to be with him. Oh nonononono. It's just, I have that feeling, where you know you're gonna get hurt. And I just feel like I should look at the situation before it happens. Cause, I feel almost certain, that whether he knows it yet or not, I'm gonna get hurt. Probably sooner then later.
I'm OK with that too. I can accept it, and deal with it when it comes my way (I've done it before, right? No big deal.)
Oh, I'm so bad at lying to myself :(

I don't want to click the "Post" button for this post. I don't know if I want him to read this, or know this. I'm almost certain he'll take it the wrong way. Which I suppose is why I'm writing it here rather than throwing it at his face (in the off chance that he won't read it).

Mm, and I really need to get over my self-esteem/confidence issues. It's really doing me absolutely no good.

Also, just thought I'd mention the beautiful day I had today, with rain, no school, and a feeble attempt at puzzle making. Fun stuff XD.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Dancing in The Snow

I was shrunk today, but it wasn’t actually that bad. Like, it was bearable. And it doesn’t hurt that the rapist is pretty much taking my side (though I think that’s just cause she’s doing her job.. hrrmm).
Yes, well, basically all we did was discuss the past, she asked questions, and now I’ve got another appointment in two weeks. Fun stuff. Even more exciting, is that
Do you understand how incredible bubble baths are? I highly doubt you do. If you’ve never taken one, I must say, they are HIGHLY recommended. I don’t remember the last time I was as relaxed, and comfortable and warm. *Sigh*. Oh my goodness, it was like.. heaven.
Lame, I know, I just can’t think of anything else to describe the epicness of my bubble bath.
Erm, he came to see me today, and I look forward to spending the ENTIRE SCHOOL DAY with him tomorrow *YAY*, but today (which I enjoyed immensely) was just us sitting together, reading my law textbook (I had to study for a test). And it was just so peaceful, and pleasant; to explain how nice it was, I’m going to say this: I didn’t mind studying. Yeah, I know, bold words, but it’s true. That’s how much I enjoyed it.
I think it kinda reminded me of grade 8, when me and the then boyfriend would sit and read together during recess. Hahahaha, don’t judge me, I was little-_-.
Anywho, I’ve got little else to talk about, so I’m gonna go back to watching my movie. And if you haven’t seen it, I suggest you watch My Fair Lady, with Audrey Hepburn.
I <3 Audrey Hepburn.
Just saying.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Let's Use Jack Skellington Tape to Patch Up the Walls

So, I just COULD NOT wait for the next day. I was wayyy too excited when I realized this post would be the
That's right! Oh Em Gee.
Wow, I did not know I was this energetic right now. Well, this is good (it'll help me get through the studying. Blarg -_-)
But yes, 100th post, I feel like it deserves something special.
I'm tempted to write a poem,
but I have no creative thoughts going through my head right now.. so I fear it'd be a HUGE disaster.
Uhm, OOH. I found anothere quotable notebook.. sentence.
Houses should have more windows. Less walls.

Lol, yeah, that's it.
I thought it was intense =D

Blissfully Blank

Just a few lyrics and stray thoughts right now. I had this song stuck in my head the majority of the day today, so I thought I'd share:

I want you to want me.
I need you to need me.
I'd love you to love me.
I'm begging you to beg me.
And so on and so on.

Those are really the only lines I had stuck in my head, and also the only lines that are particularly worth repeating.

Asides from those wise words, I thought I'd also type out some of the things I've found in my notebook.
Little girl points at Gryphon Mascot "That birdy can't fly!"
"No, sweetheart, he's grounded."

I change my mind. I do have stuff to write about. I’m so tired of this. I can’t stand it anymore. I’m going crazy, losing my mind. I don’t know what to do anymore. Anything looks more promising than this. I hate hating them, and I hate dealing with them, and I just don’t want to anymore. Except, it’s so much more than that. It’s not that I don’t want to deal with them, it’s that I can’t. I’m not kidding when I say I’m losing my mind. I mean, it can’t possibly be normal for a teenage girl to cry this much. It’s definitely not the “sane” way of handling oneself.
Without a word of a lie, I think I’m actually looking forward to seeing the rapist this week. Maybe she’ll have something useful to tell me, or help me find (as the rapists often do). Even if this week’s session isn’t beneficial, I can’t help but think that her office in itself is calming and pleasant. All the optical illusions she’s got hanging about, it feels.. pleasant, I suppose.
Moving on, I worry I’ve got attachment issues. As soon as I find myself caring for someone, I find myself also obsessing over them. Just today, I was in the worst mood just because he was late. Granted, I was only upset because I thought he wasn’t coming, but still. My mood shouldn’t be so easily dictated to me. It’s not right.
Uhm, what else?

Oh, hah. The jealous hookup guy was talking to me yesterday. Randomly messaged me on FB asking if I’d be interested in hooking up like before. So I asked “Haven’t you heard about me and him?”, to which he replied “I knew he was dating, just didn’t know it was you.” He then proceeds to pretty much guilt trip me for being in a relationship after having told him I wasn’t looking for one. Apparently, I’m really bad at reading people, and how they feel about me, because he then said “I just want you to know that I have and always will care about you”. Uhm, I’m not sure as to the exact wording. He may have said “care”, but I think he actually said “love”. Can’t remember. I do know that he definitely did say he loved me. I really didn’t know how to reply to that. Again, it seems I’ve just got the worst luck in these regards.

Mmm, this is such a great song: Fast Car by Tracy Chapman.
This song makes me cry.

What else? Hahahaha, I keep having this image in my head of him driving me to my shrinking this week. How awesome would it be having your boyfriend take you to see your shrink. I think it’d be awesome. Speaking of him, he thinks I’m weird for not liking acetone. Then again, I’m quite certain there are NUMEROUS other things about me he finds weird.
I’m gonna stop going on and on about him, and continue with what I was originally writing, the stuff I found in my notebook. Then, if I have the patience to type it out, I’ll tell you the story behind this guy who’s mad at me cause he thinks I’ve hurt his friend.
Lol, kay, so I just found this ridiculous schpewl in my notebook, just me ranting about semi philosophical concepts. I’m not gonna write it out though, it’s way too long, and not that interesting anyways. Mainly just me writing for the sake of writing.

OH, one more thing, before I forget. The assholes are contemplating pushing the internet curfew back to 9. I swear, it’s like they just WANT me to fail out of school and loose all my acceptances. *Tear*

I’m considering typing up the stuff I wrote in my notebook the day I got upset with him. I dunno, I think it might be best left on the paper. The one thing I WILL write from my notebook, though, is this:
Lol, random thought. When washing my face, I like washing only half the soap off, cause then t looks like I’ve got a great white beard. And, for that minute, I pretend like I’m old and wise. But then I realize that it’s just a foam beard and I feel young and silly again, and then I laugh.

Monday, April 5, 2010

I'm Not as Strong as Evie

I've destroyed my sister's life. She can't live because of me.
And there's nothing I can do about it.
Except hope. Hope that when I leave for university, they'll realize that she's done nothing wrong, and let her live in peace.
But that's a false hope. I know I'll just be leaving her defenseless, left to survive on her own. Faced with the numerous daggers poised at her.

All because I fucked up.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Dude, Willy Wonka's Online

Uhm, so, basically, my cat is the absolute cutest thing in the whole wide world.
Like, no competition, hands down, THE cutest thing alive.

She was sitting in my lap, and decided to stick her head under my sweater, and proceeded to fall alseep like that. Then, there was a plastic bag on the floor, and she realized it was crumply, and started wrestling with it. And when I tried to help her out of the plastic, she started wrestling with me. But she knew we were playing, so her claws didn't come out once, and she only pretended to bite.

I <3 my baby.

Asides from that, the weather is gorgeous, can't wait for summer to come. Though, to be honest, I feel slightly conflicted in that regards. I want school to be out, but I don't want it to be summer. My parents are sending me and my sister to Iran for the entire summer with my daddy. Mom can't come cause of work, and so the three of us will be spending two months together exploring Iran. This means I need to spend my only two free months (before I move away to university) away from the people that I actually want to be around. And then as soon as I go to uni, I'm away from my parents, but also away from everyone that matters. AND I'll be away from my baby. *Sigh*.

Life is hard.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Your Hair Was Long, When We First Met

You are,
My Sweetest,

<3 Regina Spektor.

Uhm, yeah, false alarm.
Apparently I'm not upset, and the cycle isn't over. I'm still waiting in line, but I'm also still talking to the chick from science class.
Haha, actually, I'm quite amused by the situation. I was still mad at him, but it's ok now, and I get it. It's just funny now.
He didn't want to end it after all, he wasn't tired of dealing with me (or so he says), he just wants me to get tesed for AIDs. I know, sexually transmitted diseases aren't a joke, not to be laughed at; I just can't help it. It's amusing, and so I will laugh. Only problem is that now I have to do that icky, icky, test.
Ah well, we will end this post in fits of laughter, and proceed with our lives.

Mango Sushi, Anyone?

You're an emo kid.
You're so depressing to be around.
Why do you have to be such a rebel?
None of the parents like you, you know. They all know.. like, everything.


Yes. Well. That is all.

No, wait it's not.
I hate you.
No, not you, but you too -_-

Thursday, April 1, 2010

I Was Hoping I Could Be Independent of This for at Least a Little Bit Longer

I guess not.

I hate the feeling that I don't have this anymore, but I can hardly stop writing for fear of having it read. Though, to be honest, I'm pretty sure he's stopped reading anyways, so I guess it doesn't really matter.

Everything was going so well, everything was beginning to fit, and yeah, I was rushing things, but it was ok, I thought.
Just the other day, I was sitting and talking to my cat. It was just like, this rant, about how everything comes and goes, and theres no sense doing anything because we just spend our entire lives waiting. And then, when we're done waiting, when our turn comes, we leave. It's like waiting in line at the movie theatre. Yeah, sure, you might see the cute girl from your science class, and have a conversation with her, but then she goes back to her spot in line, and...
Hold that thought, it's 11:11... I wish..
I wish all of this would just go away.
and yeah, you're back to waiting in line, and she might get in before you. Point is, nothing was accomplished, because the goal is getting into the movie. And right now, no matter how I feel, whether I'm happy, or excited, or curious, or whatever, it doesn't matter, because the cycle goes on, and then I'm sad again. I just wasn't expecting it to have such a short run.
I don't get it.
Wasn't he all.. into me?
Funny thing is, I was being yelled at today, by this guy, telling me "Don't hurt him the way you hurt ---- (the guy who took me to prom)". He genuinley believed I was some cold hearted bitch who just liked hurting people.
Crap, I think my internets being disconnected, so I'll just leave this here for the time being