Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Dancing in The Snow

I was shrunk today, but it wasn’t actually that bad. Like, it was bearable. And it doesn’t hurt that the rapist is pretty much taking my side (though I think that’s just cause she’s doing her job.. hrrmm).
Yes, well, basically all we did was discuss the past, she asked questions, and now I’ve got another appointment in two weeks. Fun stuff. Even more exciting, is that
Do you understand how incredible bubble baths are? I highly doubt you do. If you’ve never taken one, I must say, they are HIGHLY recommended. I don’t remember the last time I was as relaxed, and comfortable and warm. *Sigh*. Oh my goodness, it was like.. heaven.
Lame, I know, I just can’t think of anything else to describe the epicness of my bubble bath.
Erm, he came to see me today, and I look forward to spending the ENTIRE SCHOOL DAY with him tomorrow *YAY*, but today (which I enjoyed immensely) was just us sitting together, reading my law textbook (I had to study for a test). And it was just so peaceful, and pleasant; to explain how nice it was, I’m going to say this: I didn’t mind studying. Yeah, I know, bold words, but it’s true. That’s how much I enjoyed it.
I think it kinda reminded me of grade 8, when me and the then boyfriend would sit and read together during recess. Hahahaha, don’t judge me, I was little-_-.
Anywho, I’ve got little else to talk about, so I’m gonna go back to watching my movie. And if you haven’t seen it, I suggest you watch My Fair Lady, with Audrey Hepburn.
I <3 Audrey Hepburn.
Just saying.

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